Dominican Racaille: Prostitutes, hair dressers - Unlike Haiti, we will welcome them back and won't cry fault

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Reply to Msg 11486

"Full of Dominican Racaille in Haiti: Prostitutes, hair dressers, vendors of food everywhere in Petionville send them all back to their homeland."

Please, do send them back. Unlike Haiti, we will welcome them back and won't cry fault (see, we can actually afford to feed them).

While we are at it, we will examine their head to figure out why on earth they decided to relocated to a slum like Haiti.


Ricart, December 4 2013, 9:00 PM

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I think you are so right Jimmy, Haitians needs to get the hell out of this country. read more >
Manchou, 4-Dec-13 6:19 am
First of all, I do sympathize with Jimmy. however knowing the political tension that currently exists between the two republics, I would in no... read more >
Woody D, 4-Dec-13 10:29 am
Full of Dominican Racaille in Haiti: Prostitutes, hair dressers, vendors of food everywhere in Petionville send them all back to their homeland... read more >
Margaret, 4-Dec-13 12:02 pm
Beg everyone to watch "the Price of Sugar." It's a documentary [about exploitation of Haitian immigrants in the Dominican Republic] It's... read more >
Margaret, 4-Dec-13 12:08 pm
Revolution with what? We no longer have an army in Haiti. We need to boycott the Dominican Republic. No more visiting the Dominican Republic. read more >
Janine Durand, 4-Dec-13 3:19 pm
"Full of Dominican Racaille in Haiti: Prostitutes, hair dressers, vendors of food everywhere in Petionville send them all back to their homeland.... read more >
Ricart, 4-Dec-13 9:00 pm
"I think you are so right Jimmy, Haitians needs to get the hell out of this country." Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya. We... read more >
Ricart, 4-Dec-13 9:07 pm
"GET OUT GET OUT" The sooner the better. You guys are deluded if you think Dominicans are going to weep if all Haitians leave DR. read more >
Ricart, 4-Dec-13 9:14 pm
Those Haitians come voluntarily to the Dominican Republic. And most of them are recruited by Haitian nationals. And in case you didn't know, past... read more >
Ricart, 4-Dec-13 9:38 pm
Haiti can't have an army because it only serves to oppress the Haitian people and topple presidents. If Haiti had an army, Mickey would have been... read more >
Ricart, 4-Dec-13 11:04 pm
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