After reading this article, I did a little research on the...

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Reply to Msg 11297

After reading this article, I did a little research on the internet, and this is what I found:"Okra is another reputed vegetable of love. Rich in magnesium, it's a natural relaxant.

It's also full of iron, folate, zinc, and vitamin B, all nutrients that keep your sex organs healthy and happy."
So, I would say: give me Okra 3 days a week :)

Paul, November 15 2013, 4:05 PM

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After reading this article, I did a little research on the internet, and this is what I found:"Okra is another reputed vegetable of love. Rich in... read more >
Paul, 15-Nov-13 4:05 pm
Okra? Kalalou Gombo? Corect....Li bon pou tout bagay....out bagay en dedans ou....Constipation...Rafraichi....Sexualite....etc...era... read more >
Grosbouda, 17-May-18 11:18 pm


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