Li le pou nou sispann cheating le nap konpoze mezanmi, nou...

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Reply to Msg 10495

li le pou nou sispann cheating le nap konpoze mezanmi, nou pral peye sa pi devan.

Andy, July 11 2013, 9:51 AM

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Topic: Haitian Student Cheating on Exam, Classmate Posts her Photo on Facebook

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It is not about what we do nowadays is not a laughing matter because these children are our future. We have a big cheating case here in the Atl... read more >
Luna Fleur, 10-Jul-13 6:50 pm
This is a very creative student. She planned her cheating well ahead of time. I think she could teach me a few tricks :) read more >
Paul, 10-Jul-13 10:21 pm
Genle li pat vle bal ti poul, read more >
Lulu, 11-Jul-13 6:40 am
li le pou nou sispann cheating le nap konpoze mezanmi, nou pral peye sa pi devan. read more >
Andy, 11-Jul-13 9:51 am


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