The Voodoo Man Who Told Me About GOD and His Blessings

True story... One day, while visiting family members who believe and practice vodou, I bumped into a Voodoo man who told me about God and how he blesses people. I couldn't believe what I heard... Here's what he said...

The voodoo man says...

"When a Haitian man from the country side of Haiti prays to God, all he ask for is... for God to make it rain... just a little bit... so his crops so can grow... not too much... paske li pa vle la rivie desann...

The only way he will feel blessed is if it rains...

Just a little bit...

That's all the blessing he expects... That's the only blessing he will understand.

God could shower this man with every other gift known to man, gifts bigger than the rain, his "manmam cochon" can give birth to 50 babies, and still he would not feel blessed because... a little bit of rain is all he excepts..."

"Whatever your expectation, " The voodoo man says, "is how you will be blessed.

God cannot give you the things that you are NOT expecting. God cannot show you greatness you are to blind to see or too shallow to appreciate.

If you expect small things, your blessings will be small.

If you expect big things, you blessings will be big.

It is not God's fault how much you receive, he can only give you what you expect."


I did not expect to hear this at a vodou ceremony from the mouth of a man possessed by a 'Lwa'

So now... you have two options...

You can ask me what the hell was I doing there, to which I will not reply, or you can focus on the words in this page.

I could've told you a preacher said it in church but I'd be lying...

Do you agree with the voodoo man?

Do you agree that, as Haitians, many times we except very little or worse... NOTHING!

We keep on praying for change (undefined/unspecific prayer) and we get NOTHING!

If the voodoo man is right, is God simply blessing us with our expectations?

Reply with your comments... Not about voodoo... about expectations...

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All Comments (36)

John says...

We need to stop voodoo in Haiti.

re: No I am not!

but what I know and believe God is Our loving Heavenly Father.

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Sergo Jean says...

No I am not! but what I know and believe God is Our loving Heavenly Father.

we are His children and we are a part of His family.

I do believe God has a body of flesh and bone that is glorified and perfected.

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Marie Gaspard says...

iam a mertesse diuenoula bo manbo iam like what you say please tell theme vodoo it not what they tink are you sure you a merte tell me about you

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Sydney Noel says...

People must know that Voodoo is not only about Lwa...

Voodoo acknowledges the existence of God, and know that God is the Alpha and Omega.

At the beginning of every voodoo ceremony God is prayed to.
peopl make derogatory comments a religion without even know what is it all about.

Some people need to educate themselves before posting ridiculous, non-sense comments about something that they don't have a clue about.

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Gaelle says...

sorry but I don't

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B Louis says...

Yes, because you see even the sun shines in dark places sometimes.

The voodoo man had tried all the rest so he had ran all of options.

He tried the rest, and nothing happened so he tried the best. I know you've heard the old saying, "So as a man thinks, so is

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Sergo Jean says...

I respect your idea.but I do not believe voodoo came from God."We believe in the same organization that existed in the primitive Church, namely, apostles, Prophets, pastors,teachers, evangelists,and so forth"(Articles of Faith 1:6).

Jesus established His Church when He was on the earth.

It was called the Church of Jesus Christ(3 Nephi 27:8),and the members called Saints (see Ephesians 2:19-20).

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Yo El says...

We have shared with you the history of the church and the murder of millions Of people that did not embrace the trinity but Instead believed In the ONENESS of G-D.we shared with you that Voodoo Is the religion of God, The religion G-d gave the african, that is why It still exist also In the dispora.and Is practise by all races and people of all religions.

And we have shared with you also verses from the Holy Book of the muslims the Koran.

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Yo El says...

We do apologize for being offensive It was not proper and correct for us to do so.we were blocked from posting for sometime for using profanity.

so we promise the administrator that from our end there will be no more profanity so the block was removed and we were allowed to post again.

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Sergo Jean says...

After the death of Jesus Christ, wicked people persecuted the Apostles and Church members and killed many of them.With the death of Apostles, priesthood keys and the presiding priesthood were taken from the earth.The Apostles had kept the doctrines of the gospel pure and maintained the order and standard of worthiness for church members.

Without the Apostles, over time the doctrines were corrupted, and unauthorized changes were made in church organization and Priesthood ordinances, such as baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost.

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