Haiti fruits and Vegetables

Latest news & top stories about Haiti fruits and Vegetables, The Haitian Internet Newsletter. Read the following articles about Haiti fruits and Vegetables


Haitian Women, is it true that black-eyed peas (pwa jenwa) is BAD for you if you just had a baby?

PHOTO: Organic Haitian Black-eyed peas Sometimes you don't know who to believe in Haiti. A young woman who just had a baby in Haiti has been told NOT to eat black-eyed peas (pwa jenwa) whille she is nursing. It's BAD for you, bad for the baby, they tell her. Is that TRUE of FALSE? more »

Haiti Health & Diet - Dried Coconuts are Good for you - Health Benefits

PHOTO: Organic Coconuts from Haiti I have a big coconut tree in my back yard in Haiti, I just called an old man to pluck the coconuts for me and I discovered many of them are dry. So I got curious, is dry coconut good for you? Guess what... more »

Food Conservation in Haiti: Eat the whole thing before it spoils...

Yes Haiti is a poor country but, as far as FOOD is concerned, I think a lot of it is going to waste... There seems to be a lack good food conservation techniques in application in Haiti that I can see... more »

Avocados - The Haiti ZABOKA Experiment

QUESTION: Si-w mete yon zaboka chita nan yon bokit dlo ou panse sa ka apeshe li mi tro vit? LOL... (If you place an avocado in a bucket of water will that stop the ripening process?) more »