Great Tips for the Haitian Diaspora

Latest news & top stories about Great Tips for the Haitian Diaspora, The Haitian Internet Newsletter. Read the following articles about Great Tips for the Haitian Diaspora


What is considered a great Late Night Haitian Food Snack?

Sometimes, as a Haitian, you find yourself working late night and suddenly you get hungry. What you eat? What do you snack on? more »

Haitian-American millennials, how much of the money you earn is NOT being spent on debt?

There are many young Haitian-Americans millenials and their friends who are caught between a rock and a hard place trying to enjoy life while keeping up with the bills and repaying their debts. more »

Is texting helping or breaking up your relationship?

Moun Damou Pa Kite - Haitian Saying... Is constant texting good or bad for your relationship? Nowadays, fighting, making up and breaking up is all done via Whatsapp or Facebook messenger... People are texting each other more than they actually talk to each other. more »

TV series marathon ideas - What are the best TV shows to marathon these days?

Topic for Young Haitian-Americans --- Let me tell you how I like to watch my favorite television series: I wait until they are streaming in services like Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime, and I do what is called binge-viewing. more »

Did you know : Buying Premium Gasoline instead of Regular is a waste of money!

I just found out, premium gas does nothing for your car except cost you more money! I just read on the Federal Trade Commission's web site that buying premium gasoline instead of regular is a big waste of money! Read this... more »

A Simple Tip to Save Money with your Washing Machine at Home

If you have a washing machine at home or in your apartment here is a simple tip that will save you money... more »