Haiti Police launches "Operation Welcome to Haiti," NO Motorcycles allowed near the Airport!

Haiti Airport Security - The Haitian National police force (PNH) has just launched a news security operation nicknamed "Bienvenue en Haiti" (Welcome to Haiti) in an attempt to safeguard travelers and tourists coming and going at Haiti's Toussaint Louverture International Airport in Port-au-Prince.

PHOTO: Haiti POLITOUR - Haiti Tourism Police
PHOTO: Haiti POLITOUR - Haiti Tourism Police

There has been many complaints Air travelers falling victim to aggression and theft after they land at the Port-au-Prince International Airport. Police authorities wants to cut this down by at least 80 percent, at least in the areas surrounding the International airport.

for the next 90 days, this pilot program, "Operation Welcome to Haiti" means NO motorcycles will be allowed near the Toussaint Louverture International Airport, from Carrefour Gerald Bataille, Delmas 33, Port-au-Prince all the way to Carrefour Trois Mains (Boullevard Toussaint Louverture)

Many police units including BOID, CIMO and UDMO, will be in the streets to make sure you loose your motorcycle and possibly your freedom if you break the rules.

What do you think about that?

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Kaoki says...

éliminé radote motocyclette sa nan peyi a!
bon bagay nap vanse, li te le li te

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Yanique says...

Excellent news about the possibilities are endless loop on this message to work on it volunteer to help the police National get the best way to get the best of luck to the next step
Blessings and

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Levy says...

yo ki kreye insecurite a si la police gen bandi ladann se yo ki metel si leu policier a arete yon bandi metel nan prison apres deux jour li soti nan prison an par biais de la justice

se Direction la police la ak juj konrompu yo ki fait dil ak bandi a pou metel deyor

leu sa bandi a al continier fe menm bagay la paskel gen bois deyer bannann

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Levy says...

la police pakonn bay publik strategil pou securite se rete ou rete ou wè yon zone anba intervanzyion la police

mwen menm sim te policier m patap janm obei ak gro bandi sa yo paske se mwen ki tapral mouri paske anvanm menm yo voye policier al batay yo rele bandi a poul kache ou bien poul tuye policier a

premier bandi a se Directeur General

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Guillaume says...

Se tout kote ki gen insekirité wi on sel bagay toujou mete Bondye devan avan tout bagay ou pwal

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Levy says...

Nou paka pral fait yon bagay serier consa epi nou anoncel epi nou bay dat lap comanse epi dat lap fini nou tou di bandi a pa vini fe zone nan pandan tan an

strategi la police dwe secret bann bandi legal premier kidnapeur ak pi gro vòlè yo se la police ak direction general la

peyi nap fe ou bien poch nap ranpli?

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Irmone says...

That would be great.

Haiti my country is the only country in the world that I am afraid to go to alone.

Unless a person I know pick me up at the airport would I go there when I go to Santo Domingo alone.evrn though I do not speak Spanish..

isn't that

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Concern says...

Lord what a thing.

Motorcycle is the way I get from the Airport to Carrefour when I visit the country.

That is sad because they use all kind of ways to thief over there.

So they should have better security in that area which would provide jobs and

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Phillip A Manning says...

I love it...

because one day I want to go further than Port Au Prince...

just like the map showed from the embassy in Florida, U.S. ...

before the earth

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Jackson Etienne says...

excellent! we need

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