Compas Music

PHOTO: Haiti - Tabou Combo singer Roger M. Eugene (Shoubou)

PHOTO: Haiti - Tabou Combo singer Roger M. Eugene (Shoubou)

Roger M. Eugene (Shoubou) is one of the most famous, most popular Haitian singer of all time. Shoubou has been the lead singer for Tabou Combo since the band was founded in 1968.

This is a photo of Roger Monfort Eugène, nèg Port-de-Paix, plus connu de son nom d'artiste Shoubou, le lead vocal du groupe Tabou Combo, live on stage doing what he loves to do.

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Tweet: Haiti - Okyjems Announces his Candidacy for Senator of Haiti?

Tweet: Haiti - Okyjems Announces his Candidacy for Senator of Haiti?

Read this tweet... Okyjems Sévère, # FrèreOky gave a superb performance with Group #Anbyans last night at Cap-Haitien, on the occasion of the 8th Anniversary of this group and took the opportunity to announce his candidacy in the Senate for the Department of the North

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Original Tweet in French:

Okyjems Sévère, #FrèreOky a donné une Superbe Performance avec le Groupe #Anbyans hier soir au Cap- Haitien, à L' Occasion du 8ème Anniversaire de Ce groupe et se Profite pour annoncer sa Candidature au Sénat pr le département du Nord

Délex Etienne, @Delexhaiti, August 19 2018

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Okyjems - Anbyans Tet Dwat - Haitian Heroes Outfit

Okyjems - Anbyans Tet Dwat - Haitian Heroes Outfit

A group of Haitian artists dress in Haitian Heroes outfit for a Carnival video. This is a photo of Haitian singer Okyjems Sévère and his group Anbyans.

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PHOTO: Haiti - Nemours Jean Baptiste sculpture at Place Sainte-Anne Port-au-Prince

PHOTO: Haiti - Nemours Jean Baptiste sculpture at Place Sainte-Anne Port-au-Prince

Here is a photo of a new bust (sculpture) of Nemours Jean Baptiste at Place Sainte-Anne in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, to mark the hundredth anniversary of the Maestro founder of Compas Direct music in the country.

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PHOTO: Haiti - Buste de Nemours Jean Baptiste sur la Place Sainte-Anne

PHOTO: Haiti - Buste de Nemours Jean Baptiste sur la Place Sainte-Anne

Here is a photo of a new bust (sculpture) of Nemours Jean Baptiste at Place Sainte-Anne in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, to mark the hundredth anniversary of the Maestro founder of Compas Direct music in the country.

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