It's interesting indeed to see our close ones reaction! I did...

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Reply to Msg 8776

It's interesting indeed to see our close ones reaction! I did this in the year 1999 and beleive me, everyone was panicking.

I went eitherway and had the time of my life discovering, Me. Me as who I am and not what I'm supposed to be. My father and brother came to Haiti to get me and had the intention to bring me back. I could not believe it, I thought they were visiting me. I persisted and stayed.

I had a fun television career, had my appartment in Petionville ( a women alone therefore you can imagine the gossip) $ I did my 1st Real Estate transaction, leasing my parents home. Today, I mentioned to about 3 different people, I have intention of moving to Haiti again and I must say there it goes again! The bottom line either today or whenever, everyone is going to try to discorage you to go live in Ayiti.

You must stick to your true desire and the reason's why your going.

It must be genuine or you won't last. No matter what I say, go for it!

Maggy Gousse, June 23 2012, 5:08 PM

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It's interesting indeed to see our close ones reaction! I did this in the year 1999 and beleive me,everyone was panicking. I went eitherway and had... read more >
Maggy Gousse, 23-Jun-12 5:08 pm
Oh dear, I did not say! I stayed in Ayiti almost 2 yrs alone as an adult with respect of my being. In addition to my other activities, I began to go... read more >
Maggy Gousse, 23-Jun-12 5:47 pm
Hancy Pierre, 23-Jun-12 6:23 pm
When i told my friends and family that i wanted to move back to Haiti, to start a new life, they thought i was crazy. specially my wife, since she... read more >
Ricky, 23-Jun-12 6:34 pm
Being human, we are naturaly attach to our birthcountry. Specialy the place we grow up, have fun in school and some other blocks. We will never... read more >
Ed, 23-Jun-12 6:37 pm
That's our dreams... It will always going to be a dreamn and will stay a dream. what's that make us??? read more >
Ivan, 23-Jun-12 7:43 pm
Pa gen okenn dange pou tounen, lakay se lakay mwens empo. Mwen ap fe yon ti travay plis poum ekonomizem poum ka rouvri pwop biznis amba. sa mande... read more >
Marc Monestime, 23-Jun-12 7:49 pm
Good My brother, I have begun to move to Haiti Since 2010 after 22 years living abroad. I have bought land to start a College in Haiti. I support... read more >
Sydoine Jeannite, 23-Jun-12 8:03 pm
an nou retounin nan sid ayiti. les cayes port salut ile a vache camp perrin is the best to live, live without trouble fatras et insecurite. read more >
Cayen, 23-Jun-12 9:30 pm
Woodring: Why not. I will do the same if I were ready to make the move. I may have to wait another 3 years to do it. read more >
Bwa San Fey, 23-Jun-12 10:29 pm
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