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Reply to Msg 8457


Gigie, December 23 2011, 10:10 AM

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Topic: Are You Embarrassed When You Have To Pay With Nickels and Dimes?

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Lolll read more >
Gigie, 23-Dec-11 10:10 am
Let me tell you my friend business is business,the other ethnic groups that I mentioned early would act differently,that one of the reason make them... read more >
Yolanda, 23-Dec-11 10:48 am
lol...every cents counts...I would be embarrassed at first but hey we are in a recession...please it could of been worst... read more >
Msvirgile, 23-Dec-11 2:40 pm
Oh my God, it's look like you're talking about my sad experience! The other day, after a hard double shift in my job, one of my kids called me and... read more >
Marygharlynn, 23-Dec-11 4:20 pm
I Think money is money.and i would never feel embarasedd to count my nickles & dimes.Of course people will always look at you funny the minute you... read more >
Ronald Trenard, 23-Dec-11 4:22 pm
IMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO whooooo reading this story had me crying laughing. I had to send this to other ppl bc it was just to... read more >
Katypier, 27-Dec-11 10:07 pm
I don't usually comment on the things you post, but this one is hilarious! Shame on the lady that was looking at you funny in the other car... But... read more >
Nadine, 6-Jan-12 11:35 am
truthfly, money is money if it wasn't worth anything the government would have bann it from the public to use. i went to haiti last summer in july... read more >
Soranne, 9-Jan-12 12:42 am
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