Alelouya is a haitian movie with english caption, check it out...

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Reply to Msg 7801

alelouya is a haitian movie with english caption, check it out on youtube.

by the way, i am a haitian boy trying to speak english fluently.

i m looking for more haitian movie with english sub. my email address is " mineur93 at"
any help would be appreciated

Jean, August 16 2011, 11:17 AM

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I am an American guy trying to learn Haitian Creole, and I'm looking for Haitian movies with English subtitles. The only one I've found is "I love... read more >
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alelouya is a haitian movie with english caption, check it out on youtube. by the way, i am a haitian boy trying to speak english fluently. i m... read more >
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