Shame on CNN! Shame on Time Warner! This is a classic case of...

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Shame on CNN! Shame on Time Warner!

This is a classic case of corporate bullying.

CNN's claims are outrageous and ridiculous! If you polled CNN viewers right now and asked them what HLN means, more than half of them wouldn't know. Headline News is the name that most viewers recognize.

They are alleging "trademark infringement, unfair competition, and cybersquatting" - talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

The fact is that the acronym for Haiti Live Networks is HLN. The acronym for
Headline News should be HN. It's simply a coincidence that the acroynms are similar.

Further CNN & Haiti Live Networks represent two separate markets.

They are not in competition with each other.

As far as the website, if you're looking for CNN on the web you'd go to doesn't impede or infringe on that.

CNN is alleging "irreparable harm" to its brand?

What brand?

It's more like a delusion of grandeur! The Headline News channel only averages 200,000 viewers despite the fact that it is offered on cable outlets throughout the country.

Regurgitated news every half hour and Joy Behar in the evenings - no wonder viewers are changing the channel! The truth is that with people having so many options as far as news, Headline News is slowly becoming irrevelant.

Headline News needs to respond by altering their business model and by offering viewers a better product NOT by taking out their frustrations on a small upstart that offers viewers value through a unique specialized service.

Headline News execs could learn a thing or two from Haiti Live Networks.

Haiti Live Networks management needs to dig in and fight.

If they handle this right it could be a major milestone.

Sa se gro trip ki vle val

Da, May 2 2011, 9:08 AM

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Topic: FLASH... Haiti Live Networks (HLN) Is Being Sued By CNN

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at Myrtho you're wrong. It's a violation. no excuse read more >
Denor, 28-Apr-11 3:49 pm
It's sad that CNN would be intimidated by a small market as ours. I can't imagine confusing HLN - Head Line News and HLN - Haiti Live Network from... read more >
Jacques L, 28-Apr-11 3:56 pm
ThaT'S different ways you can write a name for me it's not a problem.because HLN for headline news or HLN for haiti live networks those differnt. read more >
Georges J.b., 28-Apr-11 7:22 pm
We can't cry "discrimination" ALL the time. Rules are meant to be respected, especially in business. Other countries respect trademarks and such.Let... read more >
Marjorie Middy, 28-Apr-11 7:44 pm
Turenne Jean-francois, 29-Apr-11 5:18 pm
why the start their law suit now everyone ey knowns Haiti name is in air for one to exploit they knowns now their could be profitable to them to... read more >
Jj, 1-May-11 5:58 pm
Shame on CNN! Shame on Time Warner! This is a classic case of corporate bullying. CNN's claims are outrageous and ridiculous! If you polled CNN... read more >
Da, 2-May-11 9:08 am


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