That is why census is one very important matter. That how a...

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Reply to Msg 6776

That is why census is one very important matter.

That how a government knows its people.

Preval has no clue about how many Haitians in Haiti, how many left Haiti, how many sick, how many employed etc.
It is just a shame

Garry Destin, January 14 2011, 2:04 PM

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it's about time that we, haitian realise that we have to take care of our country... my grand father could have been 140 years old by now, used to... read more >
Miejo, 14-Jan-11 10:27 am
I an totally agree with you.Something has to be done fast.As you said some Haitians do not really care, some of them know where they are coming from... read more >
Max, 14-Jan-11 12:28 pm
That is why census is one very important matter. That how a government knows its people. Preval has no clue about how many Haitians in Haiti, how... read more >
Garry Destin, 14-Jan-11 2:04 pm
We will never know the exact number of souls who perished a year ago, and I am thinking half a million human beings died on January 12 last year... read more >
Josy, 14-Jan-11 10:21 pm
A place where you can read news, chat, watch movies, listen to radio and more. read more >
Cluade, 23-Jan-11 12:27 am
I estimated it at half a million souls from the beginning, and we will never know the exact figure. It is very disturbing, and sad. You cry about... read more >
Josy, 11-Feb-11 3:25 pm


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