Why don't we find ways to help Haiti instead? Why not focus on...

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Reply to Msg 4299

Why don't we find ways to help Haiti instead?

Why not focus on the situation in Haiti and all the people who have no place to sleep and no food to eat?

I think this is a time for all haitians to come together to bring positive ideas.

Paul, March 5 2010, 11:18 PM

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honestly i dnt think its dat big of a deal. leave clef alone. he didn't do nuthing wrong. da only thing i blame him for its bcuz he let her find da... read more >
Jay, 4-Mar-10 1:51 pm
People, please stop making quick comments so soon. Let the story unfold, an then we can lavish out our opinions. We are not directly involve in... read more >
Miggy, 4-Mar-10 4:14 pm
We are developping the story just fine here dont you think? I just found out reading the previous posts that he cheated on his wife before. I didnt... read more >
Landjez, 4-Mar-10 5:31 pm
You know, I don't have butt-ass naked pictures of my boss anywhere - least of all on my phone. What the hell was he thinking?? read more >
Pascale, 4-Mar-10 5:50 pm
wow i hope dat dis iznt true cladinette is very beautiful anyways, dnt they hav an open relationship? read more >
Ericka, 4-Mar-10 7:17 pm
WHO CARES. The man has helped save the lives of thousand of haitians by and fed thousands more. All for the love of his country and all you ingrates... read more >
Richard Lumarque, 4-Mar-10 11:03 pm
Je suis tout a fait d'accord avec ce commentaire et je dis: read more >
Jean-francois Turenne, 5-Mar-10 6:48 am
Why don't we find ways to help Haiti instead??? Why not focus on the situation in Haiti and all the people who have no place to sleep and no food to... read more >
Paul, 5-Mar-10 11:18 pm
claudinette need to relax she can,t even make kids so clef is a good guy.i,m suprise.he adopt a child from haiti.she needs to enjoy the money,the... read more >
Jasmin, 7-Mar-10 3:37 am
don,t be rude.God does whatever he wants,when he wants,and with who he wants.don,t even go there about she can,t have kids.it,s not a reason for a... read more >
Morette Thelusma, 8-Mar-10 4:50 pm
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