DONT ASK how i realy feel.Just look at there country and all...

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Reply to Msg 1275

DONT ASK how i realy feel .Just look at there country and all the GREAT things that thay have given us ...NONE.


Born In The Usa, January 26 2010, 8:58 PM

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Topic: Haitian Jokes - You know that you're Haitian when...

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You know you're Haitian when everyone you know died in a earthquake! read more >
Bojangles, 16-Jan-10 11:30 am
Oh Bondye mwen. This thing had me ROLLIN'!! Here's one: "You know you're Haitian when your mother buys TONS of the same thing (toothpaste, boxers... read more >
Kathleen, 17-Jan-10 10:59 am
Three Haitians walk into a bar. It collapses. hahahahahahaha read more >
Loll, 21-Jan-10 7:15 pm
Haitians are the scumbags of the earth. For those of you who never had to deal with them shut up. Now the U.S is going to bring thousands of foot... read more >
Born In The Usa, 26-Jan-10 8:40 pm
DONT ASK how i realy feel.Just look at there country and all the GREAT things that thay have given us...NONE. FREE LOADING SCUM BAGS read more >
Born In The Usa, 26-Jan-10 8:58 pm
lmao.... u are talkin about how we are the scum of the earth, but by the way you are speaking, i can only conclude that YOU are the scum you speak... read more >
Haitiangirl And Damnproud, 23-Feb-10 2:58 pm
HA Ha, wow the jokes are true not funny as far as the comment made, i'll rather be collecting all this U.S. money, even though we gave them nothing... read more >
Claire, 25-Feb-10 5:34 pm
Hey my name sherly too wtf? That damn haitian name way too popular i'm changin my name...u know ur haitian when every other girl name sherly:-O read more >
Sherly, 28-Mar-10 10:26 pm
hey asshole im haitan so you can suck my 8 inch dick you dont know shit about us so i suggest you shut your mouth, bitch. read more >
Jack, 15-Apr-10 1:27 pm
HEY IM A GOOD GIRL read more >
Stephanie, 9-Jun-10 7:43 am
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