Hello my name is jacques, I have asociation in the dominican...

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Reply to Msg 3636

hello my name is jacques, I have asociation in the dominican republic for help some one in haiti those people need so many things we are the misionary in the chuch of christ, we food, water,medicine.

contact us in this E:mail-handstogetherforsavinghaiti at gmail.com or, cel.829-850-5391,jacques alexis.cel809-467-2503,Paul chemond and cel.829-890-4395.

Jacques Alexis, January 24 2010, 10:21 AM

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hello my name is jacques,I have asociation in the dominican republic for help some one in haiti those people need so many things we are the... read more >
Jacques Alexis, 24-Jan-10 10:21 am
Hello, I'm a journalist. I was in certain sites where people leave. They said taht they never receive anything. It's almost true when we consider... read more >
Journalist, 24-Jan-10 3:32 pm


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