Haha dhat is so true man. the biblo thinq mah qranma is pack...

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Reply to Msg 1275

haha dhat is so true man. the biblo thinq mah qranma is pack.
Tha gryot && banan thanq oh mah qosh dhats mah favorite.

&& dha pointin with your lips omq yall crazzy but this funny Ima email it to all mah haitian homiesz

Fufi, June 8 2009, 11:01 AM

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lol.....dat is so true....mezanmi..tout bagay sa yo mwen te kon fe yo or i still do....i have to show this to mom read more >
Elodie, 16-Dec-08 7:03 am
i know my mom puts a mumu under the door now it is cold!! read more >
Stephanie, 20-Dec-08 3:38 pm
hahahaha dat is soo true and im haitain read more >
Sherly, 21-Mar-09 2:43 pm
ino a boy named mohamed desir who dropps chopped up bread crums in his oatmeal mad haitian like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!/ read more >
Jak Clrode, 16-Apr-09 2:46 pm
haha dhat is so true man. the biblo thinq mah qranma is pack. Tha gryot && banan thanq oh mah qosh dhats mah favorite. && dha pointin with your lips... read more >
Fufi, 8-Jun-09 11:01 am
inoo a boy nbame mohhamed desir thatt lovves to do that stuff even chop bread and put in laboyee lmaoo he sed he love yaalll lmaoo read more >
Philippe, 15-Jun-09 5:54 pm
when you wash your baby in a sink read more >
Kaleem The Non Hatian, 22-Jun-09 11:00 pm
Half of this list I do and didnt know it, lol. read more >
Clnmike, 11-Jul-09 4:06 pm
you work as a CNA or shop at pricerite read more >
Dounia Brutus, 13-Aug-09 9:52 pm
Everybody does that no, DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! read more >
Easter, 2-Dec-09 3:16 pm
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