It's going to resume flights to Dominican Republic starting...

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Reply to Msg 22334

It's going to resume flights to Dominican Republic starting July 1st. Ok I got you. But where the flight leaving from?

From Haiti to DR?

Gabart Leneus, June 9 2020, 5:44 AM

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Topic: Spirit Airlines resume flights to Dominican Republic starting July 1st 2020

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It's going to resume flights to Dominican Republic starting July 1st. Ok I got you. But where the flight leaving from? From Haiti to DR? read more >
Gabart Leneus, 9-Jun-20 5:44 am
Spirit Airline flights to Santo Domingo and Punta Cana will be from Fort Lauderdale, FL For the time being, those needing to travel to Haiti, will... read more >
Jcyogi, 13-Jun-20 1:56 am


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