If you have an emergency in Haiti, you are dead meat

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Honey if you have an emergency, you are dead meat

Genie, August 27 2018, 5:52 AM

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Topic: Haiti Medical Crisis: ZERO Medical infrastructure in 122 Section Communales in Haiti, NO hospitals, not even a health clinic

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Honey if you have an emergency, you are dead meat read more >
Genie, 27-Aug-18 5:52 am
Pandan kantite lopital ki Haiti yo ensifizan, anpil ap femen pot yo. Nou gen Lopital Fond-des-Blanc ki riske femen pot li la si leta pa met fen nan... read more >
Jantile, 27-Aug-18 5:58 am
It is a very sad situation. Once you land in Haiti ou se youn mo an vakans.Pa gen swen medical. If you are involved in an accident between Gonaives... read more >
Michel, 27-Aug-18 9:21 am


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