Knowing myself helps respecting you and my people

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Reply to Msg 1922

I was reading the bible to my kids as I like the Salomon stories, I decided to read it in order to excite them. It is 1king chr 9. starting from V:10 " Salomon used the descendants of Canaan as force labor to build the temple Whom the Israelites had not kill when they took possession of the land. whose continue to be slaves until the present time. the name of the bible is ( RAINBOW GOOD NEWS BIBLE)
First of all King Salomon was black, regardles.

His son with queen Sheeba was Ethiopian so then his son was a slave as well.

2)I was watching a movie on TBN and I shot it off because I don't want my kids to whatch any rabbish.

The movie showed that the first son and mistress of Abraham were negros and his wife casted them out because she didn't want a slave touching or playing with her child (Jacob) That means she was a bigot, he was a bigot and God himself to give a child bigot whose descendants would save the world, is a bigot as well. When the devil does his work, there are always pockets of lies.
First blacks were not slaves at that time in fact Europeans were slaves.

and their last masters were the Romans that is why you'll find many roman building all throught Europe also their language based upon Roman and greek.

If you know the great sculpture called "The Gaule" it was about Europeans slaves
If Blacks were in fact slave, why Queen Sheeba was well known and not only Queen Sheeba all the kings and queen of Nubia and all the other regions.

Do you know someone named Doer?

he was German.

His self-portrait is the Jesus you that worship.

If you go to India, the picture the king of Spain when they were invaded is the God christians worship.

Here is a great Cuban story.

A Spaniard held his sword and told an Indian to confess his sins before he cuts off his head for he can go to heaven.

and the India replied " I haven't done anything wrong to you and you want to kill me why would I want to be next to you in Heaven"
Why many Haitians young and old want to be someone else?

I know many Spanics born here in the USA and they all speak spanish aswell as english.

most Haitians born here pretend that they don't speak nor understand kreol and it is accepted.

Most Haitians who come here forget how to speak Kreol or speak it with a heavy tongue after two or three years.

Most Haitians tell stranger that they speak French.

That is to me B.S. We Haitians don't speak french, we speak Kreol but we "can" speak French unless one is from France, Canada, Guadeloupe, Africa:Tinusia, Maurice, Algery etc.
Most people who pretend that they don't speak kreol are most likely to bash their culture and religion which means "Being someone else other than Haitian"
Before I accept someone's culture and religion, I should accept and understand mine. Specially the one of my masters who were a criminals, liars, god want to be's, greedy the devil in one word.
This doesn't mean "White race" don't be confused, they were tricked as well by the devil into thinking they are superior race. He abused them and turn many of them a his angels.

You now can save them by knowing yourself and giving them a chance to know understand you.
From understanding, they will get to see through their heart and will reject the devil and his work.
For example: When a white person is closed to you, he or she feels warm, free, respected, protected, giving and ready to fight for what's right.

you can see the clear example in the sixties.

The devil showed himseld vivid with his power, money and guns. many young white kids suffered terribly for what's right and for you. God stood right by your side and showed his power by subdued the devil and give you what's yours which is rightful manliness.

He said don't hurt the enemy, I will show you the way. He is yet to show us the way till the devil is totally fled.
The same he did in Haiti: "With a few stones you will defeat the enemy's great army and I will show you the way".

After the battle many of us loved the devil's abuses too much, his language and his food which put us in a worse situation which is mental slavery and confusion.

The devil is there to confuse you. He is there to make your reject yourself, your culture, your food, your language and fall on your knees before him. You want to look like him, speak his language but he will not speak yours, eat your food nor take part of your culture as he is superior to you.
I will fall on my knees before the God in my heart not Doer or any French or English or their words.

Most of all, Before I would go to Israel to look for God I'll go to Africa and search for myself as I know God is already in me.
God speaks my language, he eats with me, he looks like me, talks like me and he is not superior nor inferior to me. I don't need to look for him anywere, he is always there in my heart.

Sorry my friend I am not an eloquent writer but I wanted to share ideas

Garry Destin, November 13 2007, 11:45 AM

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