This video is a ''replique'' to the ''eternal lie'' according...

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Reply to Msg 16911

This video is a ''replique'' to the ''eternal lie'' according to which Haiti would be the poorest country of the Western Hemisphere.

Lochard Noel, April 24 2016, 11:00 AM

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Topic: Watch this WOW Haiti Video, a Haiti Tourist Experience you Have to See to Believe

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Fanm nanm nan ap melanje belgay ak vye zev demonyak nou tou wel pa kanpe sou anyen. selman vye demon parey kap pran van nan sa lap pataje yo paske... read more >
Patrick Princivil, 18-Apr-16 9:22 am
This is very beautiful, reminds me of my country, sweet Island of Trinidad and our sister Island of Tobago. Makes me want to go annually. Know what... read more >
Nazir, 19-Apr-16 8:22 am
This video is a ''replique'' to the ''eternal lie'' according to which Haiti would be the poorest country of the Western Hemisphere. read more >
Lochard Noel, 24-Apr-16 11:00 am


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