Haiti needs geologists and geophysicists to discover his...

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Reply to Msg 16802

Haiti needs geologists and geophysicists to discover his natural resources and to turn them into fruition.

Paul Bance, March 21 2016, 11:25 AM

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Topic: Why Does Haiti Import Cement When Haiti Is Rich In Limestone?

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Just don't understand it. You know, we used to produce our own cement. The blvd Jean Jacques Dessalines was built in concrete mixed from Haitian... read more >
Patrickgaspard, 3-Oct-13 11:49 am
kote ciment d'haiti? li pa existe enko? read more >
Turenne Jean-francois, 3-Oct-13 7:25 pm
Somebody is being off so Haiti takes it in the shorts again52523 read more >
Eric, 4-Oct-13 11:21 pm
Yes Sonia You Are True And Do You have Some Suggestion How to Improve those Government Body read more >
Cement Manufacturing Comp, 31-Dec-13 3:11 am
Haiti is still producing cement but it still imports its clinker. read more >
David, 5-Feb-14 6:47 pm
The Haitian gouvernent is too busy fighting over power and ad hock programs to see Haiti's infrastructure needs and to Create employment durable for... read more >
Luc Jasmin, 24-Sep-14 11:58 am
We have a mine available for lease, just scoop it up and load it on a truck. No need to go underground. We also have customers who want to buy the... read more >
Bob Gillette, 20-Jan-16 9:28 am
Does Haiti produce Hydraulic lime? Thanks, Can be reach at 407-459-3771 read more >
Ed, 21-Mar-16 10:44 am
Haiti needs geologists and geophysicists to discover his natural resources and to turn them into fruition. read more >
Paul Bance, 21-Mar-16 11:25 am
How difficult is to acquire a in Haiti? What are the outstanding needs of the Haitian people? What are the security concerns in Haiti? What is the... read more >
Afubaa, 16-Feb-17 11:04 pm
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