Po dyab. Haiti nan wout kaka

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Po dyab.

Haiti nan wout kaka

Patrick Princivil, March 5 2015, 4:36 PM

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Po dyab. Haiti nan wout kaka read more >
Patrick Princivil, 5-Mar-15 4:36 pm
Too bad, they should only give these out to real miners, not some greedy rich speculator. Better to teach mining to Haitians. read more >
Bill Love, 6-Mar-15 4:28 pm
Too bad, they should only give these out to real miners, not some greedy rich speculator. Better to teach mining to Haitians. read more >
Bill Love, 6-Mar-15 4:28 pm
Too bad, they should only give these out to real miners, not some greedy rich speculator. Better to teach mining to Haitians. read more >
Bill Love, 6-Mar-15 4:28 pm
That's will bemy pleasure to see that happening For sure because it had beens a. Lot of talk nothing never happening. It's always A new way to... read more >
Richy Pierre, 7-Mar-15 5:17 am
An nou mobilize pou nou ka fet sure Haiti jwenn tout lajan ke nou merite.you bezwen bon dil. An nou ede Haiti!!! read more >
Original, 23-Mar-15 12:38 pm


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