Hahaha... Haiti is one thing.. Republic of Haití is...

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Reply to Msg 11003


Haiti is one thing..

Republic of Haití is another thing...the Island was called Haiti or quisqueya by the taínos...

But That Haití Its not the republic of Haití..

The haitians took the old taíno name and put it to their republic..

Stop talking BS.!!

Hatuey, December 23 2014, 4:46 PM

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Topic: Todos somos Haiti! -- Dominican President Danilo Medina Interrupted!

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"Haitians are like the Jews. Were ever we immigrate, we experience trouble/racism." Rebuild your country, strengthen your economy, create a strong... read more >
Ricart, 5-Dec-13 12:03 pm
"Finally, there are Dominicans that are standing to defend Haitians!" Not all Dominicans are heartless and ungrateful. Some of us are just in favor... read more >
Ricart, 5-Dec-13 12:12 pm
"Most of the Haitians living in the Dominican Republic are cheap labor for them so they should be grateful and show solidarity for their... read more >
Ricart, 5-Dec-13 12:23 pm
Hahaha... Haiti is one thing.. Republic of Haiti is another thing...the Island was called Haiti or quisqueya by the tainos... But That Haiti Its not... read more >
Hatuey, 23-Dec-14 4:46 pm
How Many of you have been in the Dominican Republic? Stop talking about things you dont know... Im Dominican, i live in DR, i have haitians friends... read more >
Hatuey, 23-Dec-14 4:55 pm
Do you want people to support Your cause? What is Your cause? I really one to know. read more >
Hatuey, 23-Dec-14 4:59 pm
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