Todos somos Haiti! -- Dominican President Danilo Medina Interrupted!
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According to a Dominican news source, some Dominicans in the crowd didn't like that very much...
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All Comments (17)
How Many of you have been in the Dominican Republic?
Stop talking about things you dont know...
Im Dominican, i live in DR, i have haitians friends who live here and they will shut Your mouth if they hear what you are saying..nobody help Haití more than us...
But this is our country, not yours...
And That is what you dont want to
Haiti is one thing..
Republic of Haití is another thing...the Island was called Haiti or quisqueya by the taínos...
But That Haití Its not the republic of Haití..
The haitians took the old taíno name and put it to their republic..
Stop talking
"Most of the Haitians living in the Dominican Republic are cheap labor for them so they should be grateful and show solidarity for their neighbours!"
Perhaps the Haitian government should invite foreign companies to set up shop in Haiti and create "cheap labor" for Haitians in their own country.
Heck, they could even work with wealthy Dominicans to setup factories in Haiti.
"Finally, there are Dominicans that are standing to defend Haitians!"
Not all Dominicans are heartless and ungrateful.
Some of us are just in favor of showing Haiti some tough love, with the intent to help them in the long run. Haitians were brave enough to establish the first black republic in the Americas.
Now they should be brave and intelligent enough to make it work. It is never too
"Haitians are like the Jews. Were ever we immigrate, we experience trouble/racism."
Rebuild your country, strengthen your economy, create a strong democracy, create jobs, fight government's corruptions, conserve your natural resources, etc. Then your people won't have to immigrate to other countries and experience
I do agree all dominicans are Haitians somehow because the country used to be Haiti not that log ago and maybe some of the Dominicans need to check if they are really Dominican because they have a lot of Venezuelan and panama people who migrated there too. This is crazy the Haitian are more Dominican than every others Hispanic there.
Let me see how far history goes
there have always been Dominicans defending Haitians and viceversa, the matter is that many don't see it or don't want to see it.
Great Dominicans of all time are a bit haitians themselves: Peña Gomez, Trujillo, Heraux, Luperon, Sanchez, Pedro Santana...
the list is long.
The first woman shown in the video is Consuelo Depradel, she is listed in the same party as the president Medina but remember, it was the Supreme Court to rule the diktat! not fair to blast
Haitians are like the Jews. Were ever we immigrate, we experience trouble/racism.
It reminds me of the JEWS in HITLER'S
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