I am not catholic, but i can make my view regardless the...

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Reply to Msg 11750

I am not catholic, but i can make my view regardless the doctrine affiliated to. the priest was appointed as cardinal is a good thing because i am haitian, but religiously does not inspire me. first of all i would to see cardinal a become the next pope. it is not about religion, but it is a matter of pride.

so, the pope himself can not change the world.

religiously speaking, it does'nt matter who is appointed as cardinal.

thank you.

Wilner Pierre, January 15 2014, 9:16 PM

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Topic: Chibly Langlois - First Haitian Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church

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Haitian radio host Valery Numa feels that Pope Francis may have been inspired to elect the first Haitian cardinal on January 12, the anniversary... read more >
Woody, 13-Jan-14 1:48 pm
Congratulations Chibly! We are proud of you. May God bless you and grant you the wisdom to fulfill your awesome task as the Cardinal of Haiti! read more >
Vilo, 14-Jan-14 6:12 am
This is a great honor for Chibly, the Catholic Church in Haiti and Haiti as a whole to have one of his natives to be elevated to such a position in... read more >
Vilo, 14-Jan-14 6:35 am
I am not catholic, but i can make my view regardless the doctrine affiliated to. the priest was appointed as cardinal is a good thing because i am... read more >
Wilner Pierre, 15-Jan-14 9:16 pm
I was born and raise catholic, with faith, I'm confident, if its the Lord's wish, our cardinal will be the chosen one to lead Our Church. Just keep... read more >
Mgab, 19-Jan-14 1:27 pm
"Haitian radio host Valery Numa feels that Pope Francis may have been inspired to elect the first Haitian cardinal on January 12, the anniversary... read more >
Ricart, 22-Jan-14 9:07 pm
God bless haiti read more >
Val, 25-Jan-14 8:08 pm
congratulation cardinalChilby langlois,God bless haiti read more >
Val, 25-Jan-14 8:12 pm
Who cares how he was elected. We are very proud of him. Chibly keep your heads up!!1 read more >
Valleenne- Au Tuff, 7-Mar-14 12:01 pm
Thank you very much to the team of the Radio Shiloh specially the program director Samuele Nerntz, for their contribution to this. Congratulations... read more >
Dwa Moun, 19-Mar-14 11:03 pm
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