F k this. sa se pa Haitian li vini di sa. Se vre yo Rascis...

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Reply to Msg 10998

F**k this. sa se pa Haitian li vini di sa. Se vre yo Rascis enpil.

met travay kotem ye ya se yon Domicain.

Li di li pa vle wè haitien.

tandiske li se yon noir li ye

My-lo, October 28 2013, 10:30 AM

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This young gentleman is crazily talking bad about The Republic of Haiti. I will not make a very detailed translation on how bad he is talking... read more >
Bouger, 19-Oct-13 8:06 pm
Cet homme ne sait pas ce qu'il veut dire parce qu'en francais on dit: noix de coco pou nannan kokoye. La palito de coco se fait avec la noix de coco. read more >
Serge Desrameaux, 19-Oct-13 10:45 pm
F**k this guy!!! he just hating cause that poor guy has made it but he didnt... fat dominican bastard read more >
Natty, 20-Oct-13 2:00 pm
mwen pa konn si wap konprann kreyol la bien, mwen se sen domeng map viv, mwen ka esplike-w bien sa kap pase aktielman nan sen domeng, imiliation nap... read more >
Leyny, 21-Oct-13 6:28 pm
le nou sispann divise, rayi youne lot, manje pitit moune, kite egoiste, jalousie, koten nou pase' youne ap manje lot pou rien, Dominiken a respecte... read more >
Lisa Jean, 22-Oct-13 1:53 pm
F**k this. sa se pa Haitian li vini di sa. Se vre yo Rascis enpil. met travay kotem ye ya se yon Domicain. Li di li pa vle we haitien. tandiske li... read more >
My-lo, 28-Oct-13 10:30 am
I speak Spanish, and I am Dominican. First of all, I would like to say that I am very happy with the fame of Rumai, the street vendor. This man is... read more >
Roosevelt, 31-Oct-13 5:55 pm
You are incorrect. he is not talking about Haiti, he is talking about the people in the Dominican republic when he says that the "people are... read more >
Roosevelt, 31-Oct-13 5:59 pm
This guy is awesome, and fame couldn't have come to a better person!! If you love Palito de Coco check out my new site about him! read more >
Can-can, 2-Nov-13 3:19 pm
El que no deberia estar en la tv es usted, soy inmigrante en USA y mi Ingles tiene acento como lo tienen el Haitiano, que solo queria vender sus... read more >
Laura, 4-Nov-13 7:27 pm
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