Update about the Cholera Outbreak in Haiti

Haitian officials from the Ministere De La Sante Public are expected to officially announce the test results this morning about the cholera outbreak in Haiti. Here is the latest...

Haiti Medical Alert

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Haiti's health ministry is working with the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States) and the Pan-American Health Organization in investigating this outbreak.

They still don't know what caused it however, people in the Artibonite region are being told not to drink the water from the river. David Bark says Haiti cholera hospital is a horror scene

Guess what?

There are news report that people are now blocking the roads asking for water. They are thirsty and they are afraid of drinking the local water.

What is the Government doing?

With a Haitian government who couldn't even hand out a shovel to help a citizen rescue his dying brother dying brother under the rubbles, let's see what they come up with this time.

I've been holding my breath trying not to speak my mind publicly. I don't know how long I can hold it anymore!

There is an outbreak of cholera in Haiti that spans from Mirebalais all the way to Marchands Dessalines in a matter of days... and no word from our government...

The last time I checked, the government television station was playing a freaking documentary about Che Guevara in the middle of an outbreak!



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Victor Manuel Guerrero says...


La UNICREDEC ha formado muchos Tecnicos en Medicina Comunitaria(TMC), y Bionalistas, en Gonaives, Haiti, con la asesoria tecnica de la Organizacion Mundial de la Salud(OMS), por lo que ellos saben el tratamiento que se requiere para tratar el colera: Antibioticos como Trimetoprim-Sulfametoxazole, Metronisdazol, Eritromicina, Azytromicina, combinado simultaneamente con hidratacion parenteral, para prevenir se debe hervir el agua para tomar, ya que la infeccion puede ser adquirida por varias vias, agua contaminada, alimentos contaminados o en descompocision, vectores de enfermedades como ratones, moscas, cucarachas, basuras, suciedad, etc.

La Escuela de Medicina, Enermeria, Bioanlisis y Construccion, de UNICREDEC, es un de las mejores a nivel mundial, estamos haciendo diligencia con el gobierno haitiano, para establecerla a nivel

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Harold Fleurine says...

president Rene preval is beazy with wyclef negociation in order how he can get his supporters to Elect his nephew.This is that kind the president we have in our county, for two terms, no dunking water, no medecine, no shelter, no route to go anywhere, After all those the haitians people support him to get his bother to

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Miggy says...

This is exactly what I have talked about in recent post.
Haiti need inside plumbing to keep Human feces aways from our foods and pets.

It's hard to say it, but it is a disaster in the making.

OMG help us....

Let's pray harder

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Alister Wm Macintyre says...

It is well known that Haiti government keeps its people in the dark about what it is doing.

That's an issue to ask candidates in the election to maybe fix. The election may need to be delayed again, because of this.

Instead of saying "No news from the government to the ordinary Haitian people, so they must be doing nothing" the focus should be on "Here is what the government and NGOs are telling the international community they are doing" vs. what is witnessed by people on the ground, to see if they are talk but no action, or if they telling the truth.

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