Odette Roy Fombrun

Latest news & top stories about Odette Roy Fombrun, The Haitian Internet Newsletter. Read the following articles about Odette Roy Fombrun


List of Centenarians in Haiti - List of Haitians who lived to be 100 years old or more

Madame Jeanbart - Haitians over 100 years old Here is the complete list of Centenarians in Haiti. A centenarian is an individual who has lived for at least 100 years and Haiti has quite a few of them, Haitians who lived to be 100 years old or more. more »

L'Ile d'Haiti / Island of Haiti - Who renamed it Hispaniola? Shocking Discovery...

The Island Of Haiti - Renamed Island of Hispaniola? Growing up in Haiti, you probably heard of l'Ile d'Haiti. The whole island was called "The Island of Haiti". So how exactly did the name change from "Island of Haiti" to "Hispaniola"? more »