
List of Haitian NFL Players

Here is the complete list of Haitians and American Football players of Haitian descent playing in the NFL, the National Football league: more »

Are Haitian politicians being paid to destroy our National Holidays, a Haitian asks on Social Media

Mad Haitian This is what all Haitian holidays have become lately, including Christmas and New Year: a day of protest, manifestation and revolution. One Haitian asks on social media: Are Haitian Politicians being paid to destroy our National Holidays? more »

Haitian politicians can learn a lot from the animal world but they refuse

Haitian dog and a cat playing together in Haiti Isn't that funny? Cats and dogs can get along but Haitian politicians refuse to sit down to figure out how to Haiti out of the s**t hole. more »

Naomi Osaka's Haitian father is coaching her once again

Naomi Osaka, her Haitian Father Leonard Francois and her Australian Open championship Trophy Haitian Japanese Tennis champion Naomi Osaka is being coached once again by her Haitian father Leonard Francois after she parted ways Jermaine Jenkins and things are going great for her since. more »

Most Haitian women I talk to want a bigger butt and a flat stomach - What's up with that?

Walking 30 minutes a day can help you lose weight Most Haitian I talk to want a bigger butt and a flat stomach, they don't care about their weight or how much fat is stored in their body. I meet women who say they want to loose weight but they don't want to loose their butt. What's up with that? more »

Choosing the Right Partner for Marriage: The Wrong Choice can Make or Break you

Men vs Women - How are men and women different? You want to save money, he wants to go party every weekend. You want to put money away to buy "our first house", she wants to go shopping. Could the life partner you choose to marry make or break you? more »

8th plane load of Haitian immigrants arrive in Haiti from Chile

PHOTO: Chilean Airforce plane returning Haitian migrants to Haiti The 8th planeload of Haitian immigrants who are voluntarily returning to Haiti arrived at Toussaint Louverture International Airport Wednesday, April 24t, 2019. more »

Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro remembers Alexandre Petion on his Anniversary, 2 Apr 2019

Haiti - Jean-Jacques Dessalines and Alexandre Petion With all his political problems in Venezuela right now, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro remembers or of our Haitian forefathers, Alexandre Petion, on his Anniversary, 2 Apr 2019. more »

Planning your next vacation? You better read this first...

Before you plan your next vacation let me ask you this question: If you are really going on a vacation, what is the minimum number of days you think you should spend vacationing to really enjoy it? more »

Does Superstition play a BIG role in the non-development of Haiti and the Haitian mindset?

The Haitian Mentality, Jesus... 99.9 percent of the Haitians are superstitious. I was surprised to be listening to a famous journalist in Haiti yesterday who thinks it is normal for people to die during the carnival season because, superstitiously speaking, it has to happen. SAY WHAT??? more »