$21 billion lawsuit for Slavery in Haiti to be Filed Against France

A racism watchdog group in France announced Friday it will file a legal suit against the Caisse des Depots (CDC) bank over its role in the slave trade in Haiti... French President Francois Hollande says "What has been, has been"

Haiti France Reparations Controversy

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The France's Representative Council of Black Associations (CRAN) has accused the Caisse des Depots (CDC) bank of collecting damages that France forced Haiti to pay after slavery was abolished in Haiti, which declared independence from France in 1804 following the world's first successful slave revolt.

Luis-Georges Tin, CRAN's president, told FRANCE 24:

"Haiti was the victim of a double crime. First the crime of slavery, and then this 'ransom' for its independence..."

Read more here.

Question: What do you think will come out of this...

I doubt if France will pay up but I feel that the world is finally waking up to the fact that Haiti has is POOR simply because Haiti is paying for her arrogance...

Having has that "world's first successful slave revolt..." in a world that has been for the most part RACIST. What better way to make you pay than to make sure you and your offsprings never amount to nothing.

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Tell me what you see as a positive outcome of this lawsuit.

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All Comments (5)

Andy Pierre says...

I really love that idea to get back our money that was a discrimination and racism also France gotta give Haiti that money France was a stolen our

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Patrick Gaspard says...

Entre la justice et l'apparence de la justice, la nuance est indefinissable "CE QUI EST PRIS NE SE REND PAS".

Rappelons nous ceci. Deux lois cardinales regissent ce monde: les interets et les rapports de forces.

Cette dette avait ete concedee sous la menace d'une intervention massive que nous pourrions pas contenir.

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J Wag says...

Wow that's amazing that anyone wants to stand up for us finally.

Either way it will be a good out come because of the recognition of the stupidity that happened all over the world not just Haiti.

The main focus is about the injustices that went on and is still going on in Haiti, we just hope some good will come out of this from now until

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Rich says...

I gotta tell you, I would love to hear that case & see it win then our Haiti can become a better nation, where our people can finally eat, sleep in a better place, walk on a better road, live in a better country, pray for another thing other than food & a visa to leave the country, & once make history as we did before.

(first Black independent nation) & I'm telling you right now I'll be crying tears of joy if/when that day come.

So Let's pray.

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Truthseeker says...

Isn't this one of the reasons why Aristide was kidnapped by the US, with the support of the French and Canadians in the early 2000's. He talked about having the French repay Haiti for the sum of money plus interest that Haiti paid to the racist French nation (historically, maybe not

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