Dozens More Haitians Are Dead in Haiti, Why?

There are more people dying in Haiti but this time it is not the earthquake, it is because of flooding and the rainy season didn't event start yet. There is a news report saying that dozens of people are dead and southwest Haiti due to flooding.

Haiti - Flooded Tent City After The Rain

Donnez-nous aujourd'hui notre pain quotidien!

My fellow Haitians, believe me, we need a new prayer... Trash this one it... We need a whole new prayer!

PressTV reported today that there were heavy rains in the Haitian city of Les Cayes and at least 11 Haitians are dead.

The article did say "dozens" in southwest Haiti are dead due to flooding. The picture you are looking is a what Cite Soleil looks like a after the rain.

This is exactly what we were talking about in our previous article Haiti Tent City Design, How Will They Be Set Up?

Before the earthquake, the biggest fear in Haiti had always been the hurricane season.


Because hurricanes bring heavy rain.

We lost thousands of Haitian in Mapou, and we lost thousand of Haitians, TWICE, in Gonaives... and every time I hear our wonderful leaders talking they always say... "PAPA BLAN... Send more food... Send more money!"

Donnez-nous aujourd'hui notre pain quotidien!

Who cares about the next generation? We will all be dead anyway right?

Now with hundreds of thousands of Haitians are homeless and with more rain coming, one can only hope that preparations are done in time to prevent more deaths from among our Haitian earthquake survivors.

It is true that we have a deforestation problem in Haiti, the number one reason for all these floods, but you will agree with me that trees will not grow in a few days, a few months, nor a few years.

I don't even know if there are steps being taken to ensure a greener Haiti for the next generation.

This is one of our problems in Haiti, we always complain about what is wrong but we never commit to do what is necessary to prevent the same thing from happening in the future.

Donnez-nous aujourd'hui notre pain quotidien!

We need to modify this prayer a little bit, other nations have done it, but we seem take it literally!

We forget easily, we don't learn from our mistakes, and that's why the same things keep happening to us over and over again.

Perhaps it is that "Chak Koukou Klere Pou Je-w" mentality that is killing us.... or maybe it's something else... somebody help me!

In order to prevent a another catastrophe when the next earthquake comes, our leaders must commit, long-term, for better housing codes.

In order to prevent another catastrophe when the next rainy season comes, our leaders must commit to a long-term plan for 'REBWAZMAN' in Haiti.

We try so hard to go to heaven and we don't even know what heaven looks like... Can we at least try to make Haiti GREEN AGAIN?

At least some of us will live long enough to see what it will look like!

At lease those of us who don't will rest peacefully knowing that we did something right.

While everyone seems to be focused on "Donnez-nous aujourd'hui notre pain quotidien," we must also start thinking ahead and make sure that what happens in Haiti on January 12, 2010 does not happen on January 12, 3010.

Whether you agree or disagree with what I just said... Say something!

My name is Woodring Saint Preux and I said it.

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Marie Elie says...


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Jeremy says...

Tout sosyete gen vole, malkefte, ak rapists (gason kap fe ke dejak sou sou fi) it comes with the teritory.

Se pa anyen nou fe nap peye.

Tan pri souple.

Bad thing happen and we have to deal with it and move on and hopefully become a better society after

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Lauzanguiez Rubens says...

pou mwen se pa anyen drol se sa nou fe nap peye, paske malgre sak rive a pou ayisyen ta pwofite mete lod nan lavi yo se pwofite yap pwofite vole fe kadejak touye yon seri de malerez ki deja chaje ak pwoblem, yon sel bagay map di nou sa poko anyen paske gen yon moun kap gade tout sa nap

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Marco says...

Cher Woodring,

Tu as

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Guy Cherubin says...

Certainly you are correct, if there are no strong strategic planning for Haiti future the same catastrophe can re-occured any given time. I'm proud to be a Haitian, it hurts me deeply in my heart when the horrifying photos are shown in my television screen day after day. It's time for our leader to ressolve the paticulars issues and work closely with the International Community.

However, unlike the past if there are no results showing after this catastrophe those who are claiming to be charge should be held accountable, if not just as you say in January 12th 3010 that generation also will encounter the same suffering that the country has been experience for hundred of years.

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Josy says...

I suggested that the homeless be placed with families outside Port au Prince, and the government to pay their hosts for them. I know a lot of Haitians have vacation homes in Haiti, and are living abroad.

You have others who have extra rooms in their houses, and small houses in their yards.

Those homes are empty, so let's rent them for families who have no place to go now. We need shelters for the homeless, and the rainy season is here. I have traveled to some countries where tourists get to stay with local families.

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Josy says...

I suggested that the homeless be placed with families outside Port au Prince, and the government to pay their hosts for them. I know a lot of Haitians have vacation homes in Haiti, and are living abroad.

You have others who have extra rooms in their houses, and small houses in their yards.

Those homes are empty, so let's rent them for families who have no place to go now. We need shelters for the homeless, and the rainy season is here. I have traveled to some countries where tourists get to stay with local families.

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Josianne J says...

I totaly agree with you, you have said it

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Harry says...

Mecie mwen santi Apre Mr StPreux Nou tout ce pale nou anvi pale pagen youne nan nou ki di sa nap fe pou nou ede Haiti.Nou pito ap di bagay ki san intere pou Haiti nan moman sa.Mwen kompran'n pagen youne nan nou ki men'm pance al ede Rest sa yo kap viv deye ya?Si nou te selman we ak je nou sa ki sot pace ya nan eta li kite Haiti.

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Janjan says...

Mwen ka kwe nan afe shatiman-an. Ayisyen pa peshe plis pa pesonn: Ayisyen pat mashe bay moun pwazon, vole, touye moun, vole te-yo, met moun ann esklavaj, ekstermine moun, fe zam ak bonm ki ka sote tout planet-la epi di se nan non Bondye tout malediksyon sa-yo rive lot pep.

Sa ki rive Ayiti se fot elit ki janm gen anvi vinn yon peyi, yon pep, yon nasyon endepandan vre. Se fot yon fenomen natirel ou byen lot moun ki tap eseye vole petro ak lot bagay de gwo vale anba dlo ak te peyi Dayiti.

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