Mirebalais Haiti

Mirebalais is a city in the center Department of Haiti. Coming from Port-au-Prince Haiti, Mirebalais is like a crossroad that you reach before you decide which way you want to go.

Jean Jean Roosevelt Surrounded by Police in Mirebalais Haiti

Jean Jean Roosevelt Surrounded by Police in Mirebalais Haiti

Here is a photo of Haitian artist Jean Jean Roosevelt surrounded by police after he cried for help in the area of Mirebalais and La Chapelle...

The artist said armed gunmen blocked the road in a pretense of a protest and threatened him. they also flattened all four tires in the vehicle he was driving.

Jean Jean Roosevelt posted this photo on his Facebook page after members of the Corps d'Intervention et de Maintien de l'Ordre (CIMO) and a police squad came to his rescue.

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Hopital Universitaire De Mirebalais - Haiti

Hopital Universitaire De Mirebalais - Haiti

Partners in Health's 200,000-square-foot hospital in Mirebalais, Haiti is set to officially open its doors on April 28th, boasting state of the art facilities and incredible sustainable design features. With an anticipated 500 patients per day, Hôpital Universitaire de Mirebalais (HUM) will provide primary care services to over 185,000 people living in Mirebalais and its two neighboring communities.

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Solar Panels on the Roof of Mirebalais University Hospital in Haiti

Solar Panels on the Roof of Mirebalais University Hospital in Haiti

The Mirebalais University Hospital in Haiti, is the world's largest solar-powered hospital, has 1,800 solar panels on its roof. enough to produce 139 megawatt hours of electricity

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Mirebalais Haiti - Additional information:

Mirebalais is midway between Hinche if you want head to the north Department, Belladere if you're heading to the Dominican border, Pont Sonde if you're heading to the artibonite region, and Haiti's capital port-au-prince if you want to head back to the southern side of the country.