I wish that I could adopt, but due to financial and health...

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Reply to Msg 6890

I wish that I could adopt, but due to financial and health issues it is not possible for now. I wish we had more like in the world, and the diaspora needs to adopt our orphans.

I know many families who can afford one kid, and you do not have to be very rich. You should not expect anything from the child, and your only motive should be to save one life. You can adopt the sex you always wanted, but did not have or if you have no kids yet. I had all boys, and would get a little girl. We have so many Haitians who are doing really well in the diaspora, and could make room for one more kid. I am not talking about turning the child into a "restavek", and we should be prudent about it.

Josy, February 8 2011, 10:33 PM

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Topic: Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt Adopting a Haitian Girl

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I wish that I could adopt, but due to financial and health issues it is not possible for now. I wish we had more like in the world, and the diaspora... read more >
Josy, 8-Feb-11 10:33 pm
That is not standard adoption procedure. That's sound more like purchase with a return policy (return with receipt within 30 days if not happy with... read more >
Cj, 8-Feb-11 10:39 pm
good grief..another one for the brood of wild children in that family....Well for the new girl it's got to be better than an orphanage but the whole... read more >
Pam, 8-Feb-11 10:55 pm
angelina is god giving sister keper for the world i ask haitian gouverment to trust her and her husband brad pitt look how wonderful thing they been... read more >
Lena, 8-Feb-11 11:20 pm
I had feeling that was gonna happen I was just waiting because angelina loves kids as we can see she is so kind hearted towards children I hope Leah... read more >
Chenka, 9-Feb-11 12:20 am
I think it's wonderful to adopt children if one can afford it and do a great job at raising them is most important. Angelina and Brad make a great... read more >
Carol Merceron, 9-Feb-11 8:04 am
Why is the Haitian girl older than the age range of Pitt and Jolie's previous adoption? Would they need a little "restavek" to help take care of the... read more >
Gina, 9-Feb-11 8:52 am
Shame on you Gina, why would think to make such statement? Isn't everyone has the right to win the lotto? So, if it is that little girl,s luck today... read more >
Max Mills, 9-Feb-11 10:38 am
If its true I think it is great news; May God bless Angelina, Brad and their family. read more >
Alice, 9-Feb-11 11:24 am
God bless them. They actually practice what they preach. Absolutely amazing. read more >
Marie N Mohan, 9-Feb-11 12:11 pm
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