Who wants to go there but the adventurous fool? Trying to go...

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Reply to Msg 11967

Who wants to go there but the adventurous fool?

Trying to go to Cuba or the Bahamas should be a better alternative.

Very soon, Haitians will love to stay home

Webens, March 13 2014, 10:18 AM

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Topic: 7 Dominicans Walk to Port-au-Prince Haiti from DR Capital Santo Domingo for peace

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Who wants to go there but the adventurous fool? Trying to go to Cuba or the Bahamas should be a better alternative. Very soon, Haitians will love to... read more >
Webens, 13-Mar-14 10:18 am
The Bible talks about forgiveness, so therefore we have to forgive one another if we want God to forgive us. read more >
Henrico Jolimer, 13-Mar-14 10:53 am
GOD can make HAITIAN PEOPLE just like ISRAEL PEOPLE. read more >
Wilkelson Jeudy, 13-Mar-14 11:14 am
I think we must forgive them regarding to the Bible scripture we must forgive our enemy forgive one another in other to receive forgiveness from... read more >
Jay, 13-Mar-14 12:20 pm
God for Hati read more >
John Romeo, 13-Mar-14 12:39 pm
God bless Haiti but we have to pray more read more >
Anthony Desruisseaux, 13-Mar-14 1:31 pm
Yeah Weben, take your family to Cuba and try to subsist on the equivalent of $15.00 American dollars a month. Or go to The Bahamas, where the... read more >
Ricart, 13-Mar-14 1:38 pm
Haitians are the one that should apologize to the Dominican Republic for flooding their country with illegal aliens/anchor babies, and for defaming... read more >
Ricart, 13-Mar-14 1:49 pm
No amount of praying is going to fix Haiti's problems (leave that to the Pope and the Vatican). Hard work, zero corruption, strong democracy, rule... read more >
Ricart, 13-Mar-14 1:55 pm
The Dominican Republic has the right to protect its borders, preserve its national identity, and regulate immigrations to their territory. The... read more >
Ricart, 13-Mar-14 2:05 pm
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