"Haitian radio host Valery Numa feels that Pope Francis may...

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Reply to Msg 11755

"Haitian radio host Valery Numa feels that Pope Francis may have been inspired to elect the first Haitian cardinal on January 12, the anniversary date of the Haiti earthquake."

The election of a cardinal based on the anniversary of an earthquake is tantamount to cronyism and condescension.

I hope that the election of the first Haitian Cardinal was based on merits.

Ricart, January 22 2014, 9:07 PM

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Topic: Chibly Langlois - First Haitian Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church

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Haitian radio host Valery Numa feels that Pope Francis may have been inspired to elect the first Haitian cardinal on January 12, the anniversary... read more >
Woody, 13-Jan-14 1:48 pm
Congratulations Chibly! We are proud of you. May God bless you and grant you the wisdom to fulfill your awesome task as the Cardinal of Haiti! read more >
Vilo, 14-Jan-14 6:12 am
This is a great honor for Chibly, the Catholic Church in Haiti and Haiti as a whole to have one of his natives to be elevated to such a position in... read more >
Vilo, 14-Jan-14 6:35 am
I am not catholic, but i can make my view regardless the doctrine affiliated to. the priest was appointed as cardinal is a good thing because i am... read more >
Wilner Pierre, 15-Jan-14 9:16 pm
I was born and raise catholic, with faith, I'm confident, if its the Lord's wish, our cardinal will be the chosen one to lead Our Church. Just keep... read more >
Mgab, 19-Jan-14 1:27 pm
"Haitian radio host Valery Numa feels that Pope Francis may have been inspired to elect the first Haitian cardinal on January 12, the anniversary... read more >
Ricart, 22-Jan-14 9:07 pm
God bless haiti read more >
Val, 25-Jan-14 8:08 pm
congratulation cardinalChilby langlois,God bless haiti read more >
Val, 25-Jan-14 8:12 pm
Who cares how he was elected. We are very proud of him. Chibly keep your heads up!!1 read more >
Valleenne- Au Tuff, 7-Mar-14 12:01 pm
Thank you very much to the team of the Radio Shiloh specially the program director Samuele Nerntz, for their contribution to this. Congratulations... read more >
Dwa Moun, 19-Mar-14 11:03 pm
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