They say pictures are better than words which in this case...

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Reply to Msg 10225

They say pictures are better than words which in this case would work out just fine...

Whoever is doubting the work of those two men only have to go to Haiti and see for themselves...

You will actually see another Haiti emerging from the old one which is changing slowly but surely.

And this is only in two (2) yrs, let's wait for the remaining of their time and hopefully we will see better and beautiful things for the country I love so much. Time will surely tell !!!

Rolande Lecorps, June 5 2013, 2:02 PM

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Topic: Haiti Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe, What do you think about him?

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They say pictures are better than words which in this case would work out just fine... Whoever is doubting the work of those two men only have to go... read more >
Rolande Lecorps, 5-Jun-13 2:02 pm
not happy with the job his doing he most go. read more >
Hubert, 5-Jun-13 6:06 pm
to much thief in Haiti I can not figure out who do good or not read more >
Patrick Princivil, 6-Jun-13 11:57 pm
The question is not about PM Lamothe, it's time to compare the previous government from the past 25-30 to now. He is not a one man show there is... read more >
Cj, 8-Jun-13 11:39 am


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