O, O, wi fout, ban-m poul mwen! M'pa rinmin bet di tou! Ou...

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O, O, wi fout, ban-m poul mwen! M'pa rinmin bet di tou! Ou paka gade yo ale voir manje! Woy! Non, Non epi mwen kwe ke-m ka pale pou anpil moun tou!

Maggy, May 15 2013, 3:35 PM

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Topic: Can Haitians Substitute Chicken for Insects? Hint: It's good for you!

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Woodring, when we run out of chicken I will start thinking about it. What say you? read more >
Jacobinnoir, 15-May-13 3:29 pm
O, O, wi fout, ban-m poul mwen! M'pa rinmin bet di tou! Ou paka gade yo ale voir manje! Woy! Non, Non epi mwen kwe ke-m ka pale pou anpil moun tou! read more >
Maggy, 15-May-13 3:35 pm
Actually, it reminds be being in Zona Rosa in Mexico City at a happy Hour at the Cucaracha Resto Bar who had crickets instead of peanuts on tables... read more >
Maggy, 15-May-13 3:38 pm
Well we can become St Jean Baptiste, don't you know he never eat anything else then insects. read more >
Miejo, 15-May-13 4:40 pm
Are you crazy? I will choose starvation. No wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. I'm against creepy stuff. read more >
Guilbert Printemps, 15-May-13 7:53 pm
Woodring, how about trying it first then you can tell us your readers know about it afterwards??? Even the thought of it is remotely disgusting..... read more >
Rolande Lecorps, 15-May-13 8:29 pm
Americans love to put hands on anything they can find in Haiti, this is another great opportunity to get rich using Haitian's resources (crickets... read more >
Dj Exil, 16-May-13 1:49 pm
It will be very difficult for Haitians to forego their traditional meal and engage themselves in eating insects. Even though we are of African... read more >
David Grant, 16-May-13 2:32 pm
If I was starving in a remote area, far from civilization...and I had absolutely no other alternative...then I could probably consider eating them... read more >
Paul, 17-May-13 12:06 am
give crickets to your mother......we have enough food to sustain america why cant we feed ourselves: fucking americans thats why take your hands off... read more >
Nia, 3-Jul-15 2:46 pm
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