Criticism in Haiti

Latest news & top stories about Criticism in Haiti, The Haitian Internet Newsletter. Read the following articles about Criticism in Haiti


The Haitian media criticizes a lot and almost never congratulate a job well done but what if?

In Haiti there are so many Things that make you go Hmmm... There's one thing I notice about the Haitian media: They criticize a lot but they almost never congratulate you when you are doing a good job. What is they tried in different approach? more »

Fear of Criticism: Can a Haitian man live in his community with the simple wardrobe of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg?

Would a Haitian dare to dress like Mark Zuckerberg everyday? With the fear of criticism so rampant in our Haitian society, would you be able to live with just a few clothes or worse, wearing the same color jeans and t-shirt everyday like Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg? more »