Nice Simon

AUDIO: Tonton Bicha reacts to violence against Nice Simon (Anne) by her man Yves Leonard

AUDIO: Tonton Bicha reacts to violence against Nice Simon (Anne) by her man Yves Leonard

Haitian actor Daniel Fils-Aimé, famously known as Tonton Bicha reacts to the domestic violence perpetrated against I Love You Anne co-star Nice Simon by her man Yves Leonard. Listen to a radio interview he gave to Radio Caraibes FM.

I condenm what happened, Tonton Bicha said. Before anyone lays a hand on another person, you have to think about the consequences.

Bicha is friend with both parties, he spoke to both of them he said and got both sides of the story but he said let the justice system handle it.

"Mayor Nice Simon did her part. She press charges and you will realize that the consequences will be harsh," the actor said.

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Yves Leonard, wife beater and best friend of Haitian President Jovenel Moise and Prime Minister Henry Ceant

Yves Leonard, wife beater and best friend of Haitian President Jovenel Moise and Prime Minister Henry Ceant

Domestic Violence in Haiti -- Yves Leonard, the man who severely beat up Nice Simon, the mayor of Tabarre Haiti, happens to be a close friend of Haitian President Jovenel Moise and a really good friend of Prime Minister Jean Henry Ceant.

I guess you could say Yves Leonard, , the man who beat up Nice Simon is very well connected!

Could that be the reason he feels so powerful in Haiti that he can beat up his woman, Nice Simon, a government official, the mayor of a city of Tabarre, without fear that he will go to prison?

What do you think about that?

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Snapshot of an article on France24 in Spanish talking about domestic violence in Haiti and Nice Simon, the most recent victim

Snapshot of an article on France24 in Spanish talking about domestic violence in Haiti and Nice Simon, the most recent victim

It's not just the Haitian Media talking about Nice Simon, the mayor of Tabarre Haiti and a victim of domestic violence in Haiti. Her story is getting international media attention.

Some interesting things were said in the article about Haitians tolerate domestic violence. Read the related article below for details and link to the original article.

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FLASH: Haiti - Yves Leonard - Haiti's Most Wanted - Recherché par la police pour Violence Domestique (AUDIO)

FLASH: Haiti - Yves Leonard - Haiti's Most Wanted - Recherché par la police pour Violence Domestique (AUDIO)

The Haitian Judiciary police is actively looking for Yves Leonard, the man who severely beat up Nice Simon the mayor of Tabarre, Haiti. If anyone knows his whereabouts call (509) 3838-1111

There is a man hunt for Yves Leonard, the spokes person said in the audio. If we know where he is, we will go get him. If anyone knows where he is call the police and the closest police unit will pick him up.

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PHOTO: Haiti - Mandat d'amener contre Yves Leonard, the man who beat up Nice Simon, the mayor of Tabare

PHOTO: Haiti - Mandat d'amener contre Yves Leonard, the man who beat up Nice Simon, the mayor of Tabare

Yves Leonard is in trouble. Here is a photo of a the arrest warrant for attempted murder... Public action is a movement against Yves Leonard, the man who severely beat up Actress Nice Simon, the mayor of Tabarre Haiti.

Read the related news...

FLASH: Haiti - Mayor Nice Simon (Anne) severely beaten by her man Yves Leonard FLASH: Haiti - Mayor Nice Simon (Anne) severely beaten by her man Yves Leonard

Voici une photo du mandat d'arrêt pour voies de fait et tentative d'assassinat... Yves Leonard est en difficulté. L'action publique est un mouvement contre Yves Léonard, l'homme qui a sévèrement battu l'actrice Nice Simon, le maire de Tabarre Haïti.

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PHOTO: Haiti - Yves Leonard - Interdiction de Départ

PHOTO: Haiti - Yves Leonard - Interdiction de Départ

Here it is... A detaining order (Interdiction de Départ) has been issued against Yves Leonard, the man who beat up Haitian actress Nice Simon, the mayor of Tabarre.

Read the related news...

FLASH: Haiti - Mayor Nice Simon (Anne) severely beaten by her man Yves Leonard FLASH: Haiti - Mayor Nice Simon (Anne) severely beaten by her man Yves Leonard

Men Nouvel... Lajistis kwadèboukè mande immigrasyon mete yon Interdiction de Départ pou Yves Leonard, nèg ki bat Magistra Nice Simon an

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PHOTO: Haiti Mayor Nice Simon at a Press Conference after being she was beaten by Yves Leonard

PHOTO: Haiti Mayor Nice Simon at a Press Conference after being she was beaten by Yves Leonard

Look at this photo... Tabarre Haiti Mayor and actress Nice Simon at a press conference after being she was severely beaten by Yves Leonard, her partner and father of her child.

Nice Simon told the media what happened at the Kingdom Hotel on the night that her partner got violent and attempted to strangle her.

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Tonton Bicha caricature depicts Yves Leonard, the "Ti Dejwe" who beat Anne (Nice Simon)

Tonton Bicha caricature depicts Yves Leonard, the

Take a look at this Tonton Bicha caricature that surfaced on social media after Nice Simon (Anne) was assaulted by her partner Yves Leonard.

Tonton Bicha who plays the role of Anne's jealous father in the movie I Love you Anne says:

"Just by looking at this guy i could tell he is was Malfrendeng Ti dejwe " (a stupid looser would probably be the best translation)

FLASH: Haiti - Mayor Nice Simon (Anne) severely beaten by her man Yves Leonard FLASH: Haiti - Mayor Nice Simon (Anne) severely beaten by her man Yves Leonard

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PHOTO: Nice Simon - Mayor of Tabarre Haiti

PHOTO: Nice Simon - Mayor of Tabarre Haiti

Here is photo of Nice Simon, Haitian actress and mayor of the city of Tabarre Haiti, after she was assaulted by her partner Yves Leonard.

Photos released on social media showed all kind of bruises on the body of the city mayor after she was locked inside a room and severely beaten by Mr. Leonard, Nice Simon admitted in a press conference the day after the incident.

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PHOTO: Magistrat Nice Simon - Mairie de Tabarre

PHOTO: Magistrat Nice Simon - Mairie de Tabarre

Men Magistra ANNE wi... LOL... Actrice Nice Simon, finalement li instale alatet Mairie de Tabarre jounen Lundi 27 Juin 2016 la

ENGLISH: Haitian actress Nice Simon is the new Mayor of City of Tabarre... She was officially installed Monday, 27 June 2016.

Kisa ou panse de sa???

Kite yon mesaj

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