Justice in Haiti
The people in Haiti calling "Justice for president Jovenel Moise," are you sure you know what they're really asking for?
There is no justice in Haiti. We all know that. But some crimes, when left unpunished, will disrupt a community, a country, generations. The assassination of president jovenel Moise on July 7th 2021 is search a crime.
The call for justice in Haiti can have many different meanings.
Calling for justice in Haiti, a country where there is no Justice, is a cry for help. It means something really bad happened and we want those who did it to pay by any means necessary. We want them to learn to never do that again.
That's why in Haiti sometimes Justice is swift.
Sometimes in Haiti, when justice is not served in the courthouse. The Haitian people find other ways to give themselves Justice.
Dechoukaj for example is a form of people Justice.
Everyone was surprised to see how Haitians in general kept quiet and didn't react as expected when President Jovenel Moise died and his home, assassinated.
I think the people know who ordered the hit on the president and the people want the Haitian authorities to gather enough balls and confront these people for this crime.
Justice is not served in the for this crime, I would hate to see how the Haitian people choose those deal with those who did it when the time comes .
Sooner or later they will be taught a lesson they will never forget.
An older looking Clifford Brandt after years in prison in Haiti for Kidnapping
Here is a photo of Clifford Brandt after being incarcerated for many years for Kidnapping. Clifford Brandt has a very long white beard.
This photo was taken in January 2019 when Brandt's kidnapping case was being retried in a criminal court in Gonaives.
Read all about Clifford Brand and his high profile kidnapping case here.
PHOTO: Haiti - Mandat d'amener contre Yves Leonard, the man who beat up Nice Simon, the mayor of Tabare
Yves Leonard is in trouble. Here is a photo of a the arrest warrant for attempted murder... Public action is a movement against Yves Leonard, the man who severely beat up Actress Nice Simon, the mayor of Tabarre Haiti.
Read the related news...
FLASH: Haiti - Mayor Nice Simon (Anne) severely beaten by her man Yves Leonard
Voici une photo du mandat d'arrêt pour voies de fait et tentative d'assassinat... Yves Leonard est en difficulté. L'action publique est un mouvement contre Yves Léonard, l'homme qui a sévèrement battu l'actrice Nice Simon, le maire de Tabarre Haïti.
PHOTO: Haiti - Yves Leonard - Interdiction de Départ
Here it is... A detaining order (Interdiction de Départ) has been issued against Yves Leonard, the man who beat up Haitian actress Nice Simon, the mayor of Tabarre.
Read the related news...
FLASH: Haiti - Mayor Nice Simon (Anne) severely beaten by her man Yves Leonard
Men Nouvel... Lajistis kwadèboukè mande immigrasyon mete yon Interdiction de Départ pou Yves Leonard, nèg ki bat Magistra Nice Simon an
PHOTO: Haiti Prison, Inmates Sleeping Like Sardines
Look at this photo... Inmates sleeping like sardines in a Haitian prison. Whatever you do, don't go to prison in Haiti.
Watch the video: Haiti PRISON Documentary - The Hard Life in a Haitian Prison.
Most articles written about Haiti's prisons describe them as prisons from hell where overcrowding is a mayor problem and inmates live in filthy conditions.
Have you ever visited a prison in Haiti?
Describe your experience. Leave a message.
PHOTO: Haiti - Newly Built Cour de Cassation Building
Gade photo saa... Haiti - Nouveau Batiment de la Cour de Cassation... Here is the newly built Supreme Court of Cassation Building in downtown Port-au-Prince inaugurated 14 July 2015... It is Beautiful...
Haiti - Nouvo Batiment COUR de CASSATION sou Champs-de-Mars, Downtown Port-au-Prince... Bel Bagay, sa-w di? Kisa ou panse de sa???
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PHOTO: Haiti - Romual Grand Pierre - Huissier de justice (Bailiff)
Gade photo saa... Se misye, Romual Grand Pierre, ki te pote mandat Lamarre Belizaire la lakay Jean-Bertrand Aristide nan Tabarre...
Wesnel Isaac - US Marshals Most Wanted - Captured
Here is a snapshot of Wesnel Isaac captured image posted on the US Marshals website...
Deputy U.S. marshals escorted U.S. Marshals Service 15 Most Wanted fugitive Wesnel Isaac back to Florida today following his removal from Haiti. Haitian National Police arrested Isaac in Carrefour, Haiti, last Saturday, ending a seven-year fugitive investigation led by the U.S. Marshals Florida Regional Fugitive Task Force.
Haiti Senator Wencesclas Lambert Broke Daniel Theodore's Teeth
Look at this photo... Haitian student Daniel Theodore is displaying to the Media his teeth he says are shaking after receiving 2 blows to the face from Haitian Senator Wensesclas Lambert...
video-letudiant-daniel-theodore-presente-devan-lapres-avek-4.html Watch the video here...