EDH Haiti
A tree knocks out light pole during heavy rains in Haiti
In an already weak electricity infrastructure in Haiti, a tree knocks out light pole during heavy rains.
Heavy rains in Haiti can lead to a cascade of issues due to the country's vulnerability to natural disasters and insufficient infrastructure.
The combination of deforestation, poor drainage systems, and weak construction can exacerbate the impact of rain. Trees can fall on structures like light poles, causing power outages and hazards. Eroded soil from hillsides can trigger landslides and flooding, damaging homes and displacing communities.
Haiti's susceptibility to heavy rains highlights the urgent need for comprehensive disaster preparedness, environmental conservation, and infrastructure improvement to safeguard its population.
PHOTO: Haiti - Electricite De France fek siyen yon Accord ak Electricite d'Haiti (EDH)
Gade photo saa... Haiti - Electricité De France (EDF) fèk siyen yon Accord ak Electricite d'Haiti (EDH) en presence president Haitien an, Michel Martelly, ak president Francais a, Francois Hollande... Kisa ou panse de sa???
Ou kwè accord saa pa ta retire Haiti nan fè nwa seyè??? LOL
Accord saa siyen jounen Mardi 12 Mai 2015 la...
Electricite de France SA (EDF) se yon gro konpayi elektrik franse, lajman posede pa gouvènman an franse a. Biwo santral li nan Pari, Frans, ak 65.2 milya dola nan revni nan 2010, èdf opere yon pòtfolyo divès plis pase 120 jigawat elektrisite nan Ewòp, Amerik di Sid, Amerik di Nò, Azi, Mwayen Oryan an ak Lafrik.
EDF se pi gwo prodiktè elektrisite nan mond lan...
Kisa ou panse accord saa ak EDK vle di pou Haiti?