Delmas Haiti

PHOTO: Haiti - Carrefour Gerald Bataille, Delmas 33, Port-au-Prince

PHOTO: Haiti - Carrefour Gerald Bataille, Delmas 33, Port-au-Prince

Gade photo saa... Haiti - Carrefour Gérald Bataille sou route Delmas 33, Port-au-Prince...

Source: Google Maps

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PHOTO: Haiti - Viaduct De Delmas, Inauguration Day...

PHOTO: Haiti - Viaduct De Delmas, Inauguration Day...

Gade photo saa... Haiti - Gro ruban ki devan Viaduct De Delmas jounen vandredi inauguration an...

Depi Inogirasyon an fini jounen 07 Aout 2015 la, wout anwo wout anba ap louvri pou machinn pase.

Kisa ou panse de sa

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PHOTO: Haiti - Wout anwo, Wout anba sou Autoroute De Delmas a FINI...

PHOTO: Haiti - Wout anwo, Wout anba sou Autoroute De Delmas a FINI...

Gade photo saa...: Delmas Haiti - Wout anwo, Wout anba ki sou Autoroute De Delmas nan kafou Boulevard Toussaint Louverture (Kafou Aeroport) a FINI... Limyè, Asphalte, Tout Bagay FINI... Tòl wouj saa ateri... LOL...

Rayi chien, di dan-l blan, se premye fwa an Haiti ke nou pwal geyen wout anwo wout anba...

Kisa-w panse de sa?

Kite yon mesaj

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PHOTO: Haiti - Wout anwo, Wout anba sou Autoroute De Delmas a FINI...

PHOTO: Haiti - Wout anwo, Wout anba sou Autoroute De Delmas a FINI...

Gade photo saa...: Delmas Haiti - Wout anwo, Wout anba ki sou Autoroute De Delmas nan kafou Boulevard Toussaint Louverture (Kafou Aeroport) a FINI... Limyè, Asphalte, Tout Bagay FINI... Tòl wouj saa ateri... LOL...

Rayi chien, di dan-l blan, se premye fwa an Haiti ke nou pwal geyen wout anwo wout anba...

Kisa-w panse de sa?

Kite yon mesaj

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PHOTO: Haiti - Wout anwo, Wout anba sou Autoroute De Delmas a FINI...

PHOTO: Haiti - Wout anwo, Wout anba sou Autoroute De Delmas a FINI...

Gade photo saa...: Delmas Haiti - Wout anwo, Wout anba ki sou Autoroute De Delmas nan kafou Boulevard Toussaint Louverture (Kafou Aeroport) a FINI... Limyè, Asphalte, Tout Bagay FINI... Tòl wouj saa ateri... LOL...

Rayi chien, di dan-l blan, se premye fwa an Haiti ke nou pwal geyen wout anwo wout anba...

Kisa-w panse de sa?

Kite yon mesaj

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PHOTO: Haiti - Wout anwo, Wout anba sou Autoroute De Delmas a FINI...

PHOTO: Haiti - Wout anwo, Wout anba sou Autoroute De Delmas a FINI...

Gade photo saa...: Delmas Haiti - Wout anwo, Wout anba ki sou Autoroute De Delmas nan kafou Boulevard Toussaint Louverture (Kafou Aeroport) a FINI... Limyè, Asphalte, Tout Bagay FINI... Tòl wouj saa ateri... LOL...

Rayi chien, di dan-l blan, se premye fwa an Haiti ke nou pwal geyen wout anwo wout anba...

Kisa-w panse de sa?

Kite yon mesaj

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PHOTO: Haiti - Carrefour Aeroport Overpass

PHOTO: Haiti - Carrefour Aeroport Overpass

Look at this photo... Haiti - Carrefour Aeroport Overpass, a newly constructed overpass that connects autoroute de Delmas, Nazon, and Boulevard Toussaint Louverture (Route de l'Aeroport)

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PHOTO: Haiti - Wout anwo, Wout anba sou Autoroute De Delmas a FINI...

PHOTO: Haiti - Wout anwo, Wout anba sou Autoroute De Delmas a FINI...

Gade photo saa...: Delmas Haiti - Wout anwo, Wout anba ki sou Autoroute De Delmas nan kafou Boulevard Toussaint Louverture (Kafou Aeroport) a FINI... Limyè, Asphalte, Tout Bagay FINI... Tòl wouj saa ateri... LOL...

Rayi chien, di dan-l blan, se premye fwa an Haiti ke nou pwal geyen wout anwo wout anba...

Kisa-w panse de sa?

Kite yon mesaj

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PHOTO: Haiti - Wout anwo, Wout anba sou Autoroute De Delmas a FINI...

PHOTO: Haiti - Wout anwo, Wout anba sou Autoroute De Delmas a FINI...

Gade photo saa...: Delmas Haiti - Wout anwo, Wout anba ki sou Autoroute De Delmas nan kafou Boulevard Toussaint Louverture (Kafou Aeroport) a FINI... Limyè, Asphalte, Tout Bagay FINI... Tòl wouj saa ateri... LOL...

Rayi chien, di dan-l blan, se premye fwa an Haiti ke nou pwal geyen wout anwo wout anba...

Kisa-w panse de sa?

Kite yon mesaj

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PHOTO: Haiti - Wout anwo, Wout anba sou Autoroute De Delmas, se ASPHALT k-ap poze...

PHOTO: Haiti - Wout anwo, Wout anba sou Autoroute De Delmas, se ASPHALT k-ap poze...

Gade photo saa...: Delmas Haiti - Wout anwo, Wout anba ki sou Autoroute De Delmas nan kafou Boulevard Toussaint Louverture (Kafou Aeroport) a sanse fini wi laa... Se asphalt k-ap poze wi laa... Tòl wouj saa pwal ateri... LOL...

Rayi chien, di dan-l blan, se premye fwa an Haiti ke nou pwal geyen wout anwo wout anba...

Kisa-w panse de sa?

Kite yon mesaj

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