Haiti Hurricane Alert
Every hurricane season Haiti gets hit by violent tropical storms and hurricanes which results in mass flodding and death.
We always try to issue Haiti hurricane alerts to every one in our email list.
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Haiti Hurricane Alert - While Haitians are protesting for Gas prices going up a hurricane is approaching the island. Hurricane Beryl could hit Southern Haiti as early as Tuesday Morning.
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Haiti's Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training (MENFP) has declared CLOSED all public and non-public schools in the entire country from Wednesday 6 to Friday 8 September 2017 in preparation for Hurricane Irma.
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It's Hurricane season in Haiti, from 01 June to 30 Nov 2014, and President Michel Martelly warns in a Tweet: "Prekosyon pa kapon. Sezon siklonik la rive. Mwen envite popilasyon an swiv konsèy otorite yo pou sove lavi fanmi nou ak byen nou." Haiti has been having some bad luck with these hurricanes and tropical storms which often leads to flooding...
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Haiti was on alert all day yesterday due to Tropical storm, now Hurricane Sandy. So far there has been to reported deaths in Les Cayes.
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COLIN is the name of a tropical depression forming in the Atlantic ocean and some say it could become Haiti's next threat but so far, we may be lucky...
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