PHOTO: Grève/Strike in Haiti, the streets of Port-au-Prince are empty...

Look at this photo... The streets of Port-au-Prince Haiti are empty no cars in the streets... This is photo Mais Gaté - Gerald Bataille on a weekday morning with a strike in a effect.
You can see in the photo of many people walking on foot on the sidewalks with some people riding bicycles... No cars in the streets
Photo credit: Juno7
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All Comments (3)
Se justement yon moment que moin di vive duvalier paske sa kap pase la se pas normal gin malere ki besoin vive fo ke yo pran larie a, moin ta tire toute san guinen sa o, yo pa connait bon bagay sa se ronte pa lan siecle a.What a
Definitivman nou prefere swiv la lwa jeng, aji tankou sovaj, babar, olye ke nou pran chemen sivilizasyon, chemen modenizasyon.
Se yon chwa nou gen dwa fe. Nou lib pou nou chwazi destine nou. Men fok nou aksepte konsekans aksyon nou, chwa nou. E pinga demen nap plenyen, di se blan ki anpeche nou devlope.
Non, gen de chwa se nou antan ke pep ki fe
se menm yo menm nan kap pedi fok yo kanpe grev yo a kanmenm, Gaz la pap yon pa nago
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