Patrick Gaspard - Haitian-American Discussion Forum
Topic and comments posted by Patrick Gaspard
(Page 1 of 4)
Enfin une nouvelle rejouissante. je me rappelle que jusqu'aux...
October 30, 2015 8:49 PM
Enfin une nouvelle rejouissante. je me rappelle que jusqu'aux annees quatre vingt une unsine de trans formation a l'entree de Fontamara 47... more »
Last time I saw Joe Trouillot it was at the wake of a fellow...
October 30, 2015 9:40 AM
Last time I saw Joe Trouillot it was at the wake of a fellow artist. His voice was still the same I used to hear back in the fifties.Clear as a... more »
Avan tout bagay mwen ta renmen ou di'm fre Kisa ou Rele Satan...
May 12, 2015 2:55 PM
Avan tout bagay mwen ta renmen ou di'm fre Kisa ou Rele Satan nwe a?mwen we stati Toussain louvre ti a sou foto a. Gen yon bagay ke ou pa remake... more »
Lol. Je crois qu'il nous faudrait construire une cit ...
March 1, 2015 2:45 PM
Lol. Je crois qu'il nous faudrait construire une cité carcérale. Tenez vous bien messieurs: la population serait en majorité mâle. more »
Se so an paske pwofese y'a li menm pa kalifye. Li pa menm...
October 19, 2014 3:07 PM
Se so an paske pwofese y'a li menm pa kalifye. Li pa menm possède sa li kwe l'ap anseye a.donc si élevé la reponn byen men nan fason... more »
I think thèse people should non worry about Thierry own fate...
October 9, 2014 9:16 PM
I think thèse people should non worry about Thierry own fate. No one on earth can decide wether someone goes to hell heaven more »
La question peut être complexe et prendrait tout un débat...
August 30, 2014 6:50 PM
La question peut être complexe et prendrait tout un débat. Nous avons toujours été ouverts sans vraiment renoncer à notre... more »
Baggy la semp fre'm. Pran'l konsa: nou gen yon Kinsey electoral...
May 1, 2014 10:40 PM
Baggy la semp fre'm. Pran'l konsa: nou gen yon Kinsey electoral pwoviswa an pe mamans ( conseil électoral provisoire permanent) mwen pa eseye... more »
I do remember.i think that it was rather on Good Friday one...
April 21, 2014 3:34 PM
I do remember.i think that it was rather on Good Friday one should not touch the tree called medsiyen.Another legend says taking a shower or dive in... more »
It Will take some Time to get tâter brother. Traditionalily...
April 11, 2014 4:00 PM
It Will take some Time to get tâter brother. Traditionalily communication Is not the main concern of our officials. You are on the... more »
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