Ddesir - Haitian-American Discussion Forum
Topic and comments posted by Ddesir
The only thing you probably fail to mention, is that your...
June 22, 2013 11:15 PM
The only thing you probably fail to mention, is that your immediate family by which I mean your wife and kids are probably still in america. I... more »
I have no problem giving five cents per call especially foe a...
June 17, 2011 2:34 PM
I have no problem giving five cents per call especially foe a good cause, however I never heard the president stated how he's going to tax the... more »
L'enquete se poursuit?????????????? Cependant on doit admettre...
June 15, 2011 6:14 AM
L'enquete se poursuit?????????????? Cependant on doit admettre que la mort de Mr Toussaint est vrament louche. Seulement apres avoir annonce ce... more »
Why questionning GOD, it is all written in the book of...
November 6, 2010 12:51 AM
Why questionning GOD, it is all written in the book of revelations.I trully love my country, but some people need to realize that Haiti is not... more »
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