Martini bar

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Reply to Msg 8776

I'm a Haitian that invested in Haiti.

I built a resort like facility on the beach in Les Cayes on Gelee Beach, I fell in love with the place.

I built a gym, basketball courts, restaurant, and 9 rooms to rent. My house sits behind the gate overlooking all what I've done. But, no human resources to help me run it where I actually get the money.

Natives never had a job and they don't seem to want to work. I tried recruiting people who want to return home and work but I can't afford to pay Americanized Haitians.

Dilemmas for people who want to invest in our country.

Legacy Square on YouTube.

Alan, April 21 2013, 8:06 AM

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Hello! I have the same idea. We should get our ressources together and go back to Haiti to open that martini bar! email me at enitram2enitram at... read more >
Tina, 30-Aug-12 12:09 am
I'm a Haitian that invested in Haiti. I built a resort like facility on the beach in Les Cayes on Gelee Beach, I fell in love with the place. I... read more >
Alan, 21-Apr-13 8:06 am
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