From my standing point something is wrong. I was in Haiti on...
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Reply to Msg 9759
From my standing point something is wrong.
I was in Haiti on August 2012, and gallon of gas was about $5.00 in US currency.
So, it should be the same price in Hinch, or in other Departments.
Any way, we are going to pray, so the gas price can go down.
Sign Calixte Guerrier
Former Haiti Presidential Candidate
Calixte Guerrier, April 12 2013, 2:32 PM
Topic: Mirebalais Haiti - Eighty Dollars for One Gallon of Gasoline
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From my standing point something is wrong. I was in Haiti on August 2012, and gallon of gas was about $5.00 in US currency. So, it should be the... read more >
Calixte Guerrier, 12-Apr-13 2:32 pm
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Patrick Princivil, 13-Apr-13 2:28 pm
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