pou kisa nou pa mete yon ti bout creole
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Reply to Msg 9674
pou kisa nou pa mete yon ti bout creole
Anna, March 28 2013, 6:01 AM
Topic: Construction in Haiti - Why Are House Foundations Built with Rocks and Not Concrete?
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Remember to go on to find the best software to build your house, you can google it if you cannot find it. Remember that we have a corrupt country... read more >
Patrick Princivil, 27-Mar-13 4:43 pm
rubble foundations have been used successfully for thousands of years, mostly where the rocks are located adjacent to the site. They do not seem... read more >
Bill Love, 27-Mar-13 7:10 pm
pou kisa nou pa mete yon ti bout creole read more >
Anna, 28-Mar-13 6:01 am
It's done that way because that's their know how and they will fight to keep it that way. Haitians, like may people, don't like change. It is very... read more >
Edouard, 19-Aug-13 1:48 pm
Nothing beat the beauty and duration of building with stone; The Maya Indians, the egyptian pyramids and many historic buildings in the United... read more >
Ti Mede, 2-Feb-14 1:02 pm
Egg-cellent observations! Many of the systems and approaches in Haiti need reform. You asked a very good question, the rocks I imagine can be broken... read more >
Erick Jerome, 29-May-17 11:47 am
Foundation with rocks is generally found in old building that were build in the 1900's. The answer is simple it's just an old practice that Haiti... read more >
Kensonsun Bernade, 19-Jan-18 11:09 pm
The cost of materials are extremely high there. Probably 1/2 the price to do it that way read more >
Mark, 5-Sep-18 8:37 pm
the reason they do it that way it's because some area in Haiti are built on water they have to do it high to prevent inondation and also after jan... read more >
Momose, 18-Apr-19 6:40 pm
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